LOOKING for cheap daily for friend asap

I don’t care how fast you type, this isn’t keyboarding class or a competition. I have not deleted any of the posts you made or edited them because I would love for all of the forum members on here to read your posts, then read in another post your contradicting statement. You’re helping prove that I am right, and I appreciate it greatly.


I’ve met Cossey a handful of times and not once does this sound like something he would EVER do to someone.

Dude, I take back anything negative I said about you even though you wont, just becuase I dont know you and have no fucking reason to say anything negative. I was selling a car and did what I had to do to sell it. The car ran 100% mint as you saw and drove 100% mint when you drove it. This is all I felt I needed to care about as an honest seller. The car had no dents no rust no nothing, the car was worth 8500 all day long. Im sorry that you wernt happy with it.

As for the lawyer subject, I dont WANT to sue him or go to court with him, but I need him to know that im on the same level as him and will not be threatend or overpowered by him.

[quote=Cossey;682706]I don’t care how fast you type, this isn’t keyboarding class or a competition. I have not deleted any of the posts you made or edited them because I would love for all of the forum members on here to read your posts, then read in another post your contradicting statement. You’re helping prove that I am right, and I appreciate it greatly.[/quote]

just like when you said jessica JUST told Rick that she didnt think you called the cops on me when shes right here standing next to me :wierd

your a joke man.

Yeah? Ever read the news? Correction officer of 20 yrs just got arrested for fucking inmates in the ass, bet the boss of that officer didnt think he’d something like that either.

I’m quoting my brother on the “just told” part, so for all I know it was earlier today or yesterday or whatever it may be.

Your lovely source first claimed I did it, then claimed my girlfriend did it, now doesn’t know if either of us did it. I’m using the same sources as you minus that cunt of a “good” friend that still wants to get with you, just like she tried to with my brother Don. Did she tell you all that? How she was immature enough to bomb his house with toilet paper and destroyed all of his filled leaf bags, painted his windows. For the record, she’s 28 years old.


thanks to chris, I get one of these on daily basis now…He pulled in the neihbors driveway and got out and walked up to my cars and was writing shit down for 20 minutes.

View My Video

four days ago?

WHAT THE FUCK, DOES FUCKING DUDEZ IN THE ASS HAVE TO DO WITH THIS? Unless thats what your into then by all means. Fuck away.

what in the joking fuck is going on in here?

Apparently I like to call the cops on people and provide them with false information.

yea, theyve come again, but i just happened to tape a tape of them stopping by oct 16th for possible harrassment charges.

officers are allowed to ride through residential neighborhoods, its part of their duties to keep the community safe.

edit: that includes as much as they feel necessary

yes, but continously walk on my driveway and touch my cars? Like I said, POSSIBLE harrassment charges, probably unlikely though.

damn dude, you dropped the ball. You need to tape them EVERY TIME they come to get them on harassment charges.

Don’t forget to accuse them of touching your cars in inappropriate places too.

For the people that actually do know me, please remember that David Brown here already has lied and posted dyno sheets to cars that weren’t his and was called out on it.

did not see cop walking in the driveway nor your car in videos

back to the sidelines, no more comments

I’ve already proven this point many times, but feel free to keep bringing it up in attempt to make me look worse. chris and Graig at autobahn has already confirmed those were the dyno sheets given to him by the old owner and given to me as the new owner.

you fail, go do homework, or whatever rich people do.

you wouldnt becuase My driveway is 65 feet long, I was there when this took place, im telling you what they did.