Looking for Drivers (mobile pros) and Sales people (Advance Auto Parts)

Im looking for drivers (mobile pros) and sales people. This is a part time job but you can move up to full time based on your work ethics. etc. You make between $8 to $9. All Advance Auto parts are hiring. I am the General Manager for the one in Cheektowaga on the corner of Union and George Urban. If your interested apply online www.advanceautoparts.com , you have to pass a background check, a drug test and a knowledge test. Thanks.

You have to be 21 to drive, do not need special license
You have to be 18 to work there

What are the hours like?

Open hours, my store personally is looking for a mix of everything


I applied a few days ago for a few stores as a driver, didn’t hear anything back except the confirmation though. :[


replied back to the PMs, I am hoping to find people!

any chance of getting the answers before hand? you can PM me the test…

it’s usually silly stuff I think, like name the parts of the coolant system and such.
or name the parts of an engine.

that’s the way it was for autozone anyway.
but i managed to get a job in my actual career before i accepted that one…
lucked out.

how are the raises. will you match a currently hourly

apply, and then I can set up interviews with people to talk about specifics more

The knowledge test is pretty easy to be honest with you if you have ever picked up a wrench before.

---------- Post added at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 AM ----------

i am also doing interviews this friday and saturday. Once you have applied online, call the store at 716-681-4350 and ask to talk to me (Andy) and I will set up a time for a interviews for this weekend.