I just put together a quick facebook page for a product that my company has. Its pretty much our only consumer product with most of our work dealing with the Gov. and military contracts. Due to this I’ve realized that there was a real lack of marketing out there targeting potential customers and the Facebook page would be an initial step towards that.
What I’m looking for is for people who know nothing about the product to take a quick look over the site and let me know if:
What is currently on there makes sense,
The page clearly states what the product is and what exactly the page is for,
the page looks professional
there is information currently missing that I could add to help consumers better understand the product.
and last but not least, I would love to hear ideas about how I could make the page interactive with both potential and current customers of the product. I do have the ability to do promotions everyone in a while with percentage discounts for people.
nope, not really worried about the logo. More concerned about the content and information I’ve put out there.
the actual website (www.zcorrproducts.com has already had a recent redesign and looks/works good. The idea for the facebook page was to get a little more interactive. I was not given a budget whatsoever, so things like professionally designed pages, sponsorship, and advertising are not going to happen anytime soon.
Has anyone else looked at it? I’ve seen some people talking about the product on forums and saying some misleading things such as: a Velcro closure on the bag makes the whole thing ineffective or make sure to oil up the weapon real well before putting it in the bag… both statements are completely wrong and I’m hoping that this page as it sits explains a little bit more and over time I can add some more descriptive articles about the technology used.
For the promotional thing, I’ve seen radio stations do things such as “the first 10 people to post under the picture “I love this band” get free tickets to the concert” …I want to work with ideas like that in order to get people discounts or a free bag every once in a while.
Page dosn’t really explain too much about the product, I went to the website itself. Its a air-tight bag or whatever, simple enough. Yet however the FB page dosn’t really make it seem like thats the product at all. My honest first impression was: I saw “Zcorr Zero Corrosion” I thought it was some kind of anti-rust inhibitor or something.
Actually your impression from the facebook page is more correct than your impression from the actual site. Its not an airtight bag whatsoever and doesn’t need to be. Its VCI rust inhibiting chemicals infused into the material that vaporizes into the bag and is attracted to the metal.
They have a cool product, when I met with them to discuss us carrying the product we wanted to make some changes that were requested by our customers. The guy we met with was all about it during the meeting but we never heard back.
He’s real busy since he’s the VP of a small company with a focus other than this particular product. That’s part of the reason why I encouraged him to let me take control of aspects of it. Can you PM me with what you discussed at your meeting? I’ll discuss it with him and see if I can help move along the process a bit.
I’d be a little bit more direct about the product; like having an image or text somewhere that read “Zero Corrosive Gun Bags” that grabs the viewers attention.
I added it to the info box on the left, I can’t really find a better place for it since the larger and central text is only what the temporary status is. let me know if you see any better options for it.