Looking for input on Vinyl cutters

Looking to purchase a Vinyl cutter, probably 24", and really don’t know much about it…

I’m looking to spend around 500$.

can anyone point me in the right direction?



nglance … it’s by the airport

or hyatts

i havent really looked into cutters in um. 10 years.

im sure you can find something used for 500. since most places their cutters are collecting dust.

solvent inkjet printing is the way to go.

summa’s line of tangenial cutters seem pretty sweet for smoother cutting. but there a bit out of your budget.

just the damn cutting software was $3k. Good luck.

im sure if you troll classifieds online or in the paper you will find one.

Vinyl sign shops popup all the time and seem to leave just as fast.

people have no idea what their time is worth. and what overhead costs.

I advise against buying a Roland. $500 is a rather tight budget for a 24" unless you’re buying used.

Yeah, I know that’s a little tight, but I’m cool with a used unit.

I’ve got a ton of vinyl that i want to do, and it’s actually cheaper to buy the machine, than to farm it out (in the long run, and then I can do custom stuff on the side).

I don’t need fancy software, just something that will do the job.

I’ve heard of Roland, both good and bad.

I’ll look into the tangenial cutter… we’ll see what I can find on eBay.

anyone have any practical experience, hands on, with some machines?

my buddy greg23 on here was selling his for like 600. Ill send him a message to check out this post

My setup cost me a lil over $2000., And it was Only for a 24" cutter and software.

lol any good cutter will cost you well over 10k

and roland is one of the best along with gerber, and ioline

my father has been in the business for over 30 years, not 5 like most of these sign places that are popping up.

pm me for any info you might need.

I have the Gerber P2C Plotter, Pretty Easy to use

yeah most are easy, software is kinda pricy.

signlab is good software, but alot of money.
corel can plot now also, but does not do nearly everything signlab does.


my buddy greg23 on here was selling his for like 600. Ill send him a message to check out this post


Please do I’d like to check it out.

I see ones all over ebay for like 350, new. I realize they are chinese, but I figure I should be able to get a usable one for around 500.

It’s not like I’m going to use it everyday.

ex-If I were looking for a socket set-I don’t need Snap on, but dont want harbor frieght either. I’d be happy with a used craftsman.