Looking for new job

this is also false.

getting your FIRST job in your chosen CAREER is dependent on your college scores…

but after that, like dozr said, college is nothing more than proof that you are capable of completing something. no employer is going to care what grades you have or anything like that. college will not get you hired.

the only thing interviewers care about is what you did at your last job. this is fact.

you did awesome at ub! 4.0?! awesome! what’d you do at that place that hired you right out of college? nothing? fuck you you are worthless.

you sucked at ub and got a 2.0? shitty! what’d you do at the place that you somehow got hired at right after college? you were promoted twice, saved the company x amount of money and accomplished all these awesome goals? well it looks like you suck at hitting the books, but you know how to deliver where it counts. youre HIRED.