Looking for new job

yea thats a great idea, with no college education some places with just refuse to look at the rest of what he has to offer

i am at bar with the car situation, i will NOT sell it. I am keeping this car i enjoy it to much just to sell, and please lets try to keep my personal financial life out of this thread.

I have worked with students fresh out of UB/ Canisus and they dident know shit .

No im not sitting here trying to say i am not going to college blah blah blah, just saying i am more experienced then your typical fresh out of school college student.

didnt mean to get into your personal business… just making a suggestion, and youre right about experience>book smarts. just saying, like others have said, many (most) places would probably throw out the app after seeing no formal education.

Yeah but your problem is that now-a-days employers look for college first then experience. Yeah 5+ years ago you could walk in anywhere with the experience you have, now so many others have it too that you need that extra bit to make you stand out.

and you brought about your financial situation in this thread, you said you cannot go to school because of your bills…you gotta make a decision which is more important to you, a car that you’ll get rid of eventually or a career that you can make $$$ to buy a new car that is more bling.

Me thinks its time for Dos to grow up :slight_smile:

I am not sitting here arguing the point that 95% of companies out there look at college first, because they do and i know that. I WILL be going to school. I would just like to find a better job even making the same amount i do now. just a better environment.

gotcha, as long as you’ll be going to school that’s fine. If you go to UB there are plenty of simple, easy decent paying jobs in the IT dept there. They are stupid easy and you can usually do your work at work, while getting paid.

I was browsing your site and I noticed a lot of spelling errors. If you fixed those it would seem more professional :slight_smile:

(Just trying to help)

where abouts?

i would love to fix them asap.

Under Static for Hunter’s Hobby Shop. It says “while maintaining the color scheme of there business color’s”

It should be " while maintaining the color scheme of their business colors"

Basically there’s a lot of apostrophe s’s that are used in the wrong context

ok cool il address that once i get the nwe computer up and running shot me a Pm with anything else you see.

Orrr… dick around on NYSPEED for 3 hours, answering a grand total of … 2 phone calls lasting roughly 2 min a piece, making 10+ dollars an hour lol

It’s work, it’s supposed to suck.



College is not about learning, companies want to know that you can start something, do a good job at it, and finish it.

If you want to be taken seriously as a web designer there are some things you need to seriously rethink. Kill the splash page, kill all the flash (flash is ok used sparingly in certain situations, or in marketing driven microsites), and learn some modern front end code standards and best practices. (See the other HTML thread)

I have worked for or with most of the web companies in buffalo, and am friends with the owners of a bunch of them, I have a very good understanding of what the industry is looking for.

I think you generally try and go overboard with your designs, try keep it simple, give it whitespace, and remember fancier is not always better. Great design is achieved not when nothing more can be added, but when nothing more can be taken away.

Look at http://www.Happycog.com for example, these guys are one of the top web companies in Manhattan and Philly, they publish one of the best (if not THE best) web design magazine out there (www.alistapart.com), they speak at the top web design and media conferences all over the world. Its simple, its functional, its beautiful.

Really, your best bet is to look at the routes you can go, pick one and run with it. Backend Developer (PHP, RoR, ASP, .NET, etc), Frontend Developer (XHTML, CSS, DOM), Database Admin, Flash Developer or Designer. Its pretty tough to get good at anything when you are doing a little bit of all of these (unless you’ve been doing them for 20+ years).

Good Luck in your job search.

What modern front end coding did i NOT say in my original thread? As far as the flash goes, it really depends on idea clients you are targeting…

Ever hear of 2adv?

Note taken, but you have not seen much of my recent work. I agree clean is always better, but boring . Again it really depends on the client.

I think there site is boring and ugly. But that is my personal opinion. And i am sure they do great work but again, i must keep on stressing it really depends on the clients need. Just because you have seen my flash site does not mean i only do flash.

thank you.

Yea most of 2advanced’s work is Microsite and Demo sites. This type of work really only comes from Fortune 1000 type clients, which you arent going to find much of in buffalo. Flash is used a ton in these types of sites because they do not serve the purpose of a main site, they are purely niche market based. The only companies around here doing a lot of that type of work is ACG for Fisher-Price, and JRVisuals.

Modern front end coding focuses on table free semantic xhtml that meets web-standards, degrades gracefully, uses DOM based JS, and has complete separation of Structure, Presentation and Behavior.

You may say clean and well designed is boring, but it is what 99% of the clients & employers in this area are going to be looking for. If you are looking for that 1% dream client, you are going to have a rough career ( or lack there of ).

Companies like HappyCog do an amazing amount of business, so how about cameron moll, another great designer, a little less boring, but still clean and a great designer. (www.cameronmoll.com)

I never said you just did flash, I just meant you may increase your chances of getting a job if you focus in one area and get really good at it.

Ignorance at its best…

Makes me look forward to my educated future so much more…

Nothing against people who opted not to go to school at all…there’s tons of success stories out there for those that didn’t go to college…cough, Bill Gates, cough…
But, the realist will look at the stats and ratios of success to education and what not…


^ wow i missed that quote. LOL.

for those of you who live in the dark ages and believe that computers can’t and don’t do everything ( they can and do. ) -

most employers use computers or other companies to validate resumes. typed on your resume that you went to harvard but you actually didn’t? well there are a million programs out there that will prove you didn’t and get your resume thrown out. think that not going to college is going to hurt your chances at getting hired? well i’m pretty sure lying about something easily researchable will hurt your chances even more :bloated:

The really funny part is that there are millions if not billions of Indians and Chinese that can and will exploit people who still have that attitude. Especially in the IT industry…

Every generation needs more education than the last just to be competitive. A high school education doesn’t cut it anymore.

this is also false.

getting your FIRST job in your chosen CAREER is dependent on your college scores…

but after that, like dozr said, college is nothing more than proof that you are capable of completing something. no employer is going to care what grades you have or anything like that. college will not get you hired.

the only thing interviewers care about is what you did at your last job. this is fact.

you did awesome at ub! 4.0?! awesome! what’d you do at that place that hired you right out of college? nothing? fuck you you are worthless.

you sucked at ub and got a 2.0? shitty! what’d you do at the place that you somehow got hired at right after college? you were promoted twice, saved the company x amount of money and accomplished all these awesome goals? well it looks like you suck at hitting the books, but you know how to deliver where it counts. youre HIRED.