Looking for new job

Furthermore, it’s been stated that if you don’t do the research / earn the equivalent to a bachelors every 4 years in your field, you are outdated and considered prehistoric


It’s the little things like this that make me never want to do business with a company. You look at a website that looks ok and then you see simple spelling mistakes like this. To me, it shows a rush to get the product finished. Attention to detail is very important to make a good impression. Not very professional in my opinion.

I won’t even get into your grammar…


I just noticed 2002 - Presnet and Services: Evreything… :shakes head:

I went to school for 4+ years and got my degree (ecc-buffstate) and it got me no-where. Employers especially in the graphic/web design look for experience. Even my professors admitted that. Dos seems to know his shit so why bother going to school to learn the stuff he already knows? Some fields you can get a good paying job right outta college, others you have to either know someone in the business or hope an employer will take a chance on you so you can gain that experience.

Next time don’t be so general in talking about college…

And while nobody says it’s easy to find a job you want, even with a degree at the top of your class…i’m sure lots of people would agree that an aplicant with a degree as opposed to one without a degree has an advantage in the working world in general…

don’t go to itt tech.

I think you’re being just as ignorant with this post. IT is a whole different field in itself and whilst people who come out of school focusing on IT related stuff do sometimes do well, you have to understand that it really isn’t just what you know… it’s who you know.

That actually applies to any field.

I never finished school, took whatever I knew and threw it on whoever I knew, and I am happy to show up at my job everyday, making more money, and making more great contacts (at one of the top investment companies in the world) than 99.9% of my friends who graduated undergrad AND some post graduate school and are now doing nothing but slaving away being miserable at their job that pays donkey dick.

Your spoon fed non-real world expertise will land you a job, sure. How successful will you be? Well, that all depends on you, and how you carry yourself, and of course, your work ethic.

Don’t ever shrug off people who don’t go to school. School is important, but it is also just like the rest of the business world : it’s trying to get your money. Gen Eds? For the most part, worthless. A requirement, to keep you in school for a certain amount of time so you have to spend a certain amount of money. Interesting? Some of it, yes. IT people who are only spoon fed information (See: Guys who have no experience but go study their ass off for the CCNA, MCSE, etc) from colleges come out and realize that most of the shit they learned in college was useless, and when they are working next to some 25 year old who doesn’t have a degree and I’m answering all their questions and doing shit 100x more efficiently because “I’m not going by the book”, seem to feel a little cheated by the system because they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet they really aren’t prepared for real world situations.

That being said, my company is paying for me to go back to school, so why not?

now YOU are the one speaking in generalities. :rofl:

i don’t feel like getting into it anymore, but everything depends on your experience at your first real career based job.

there are entry level positions ( i.e the lowest rung ) at every company, and these are reserved for new graduates with no experience other than internships. in a large majority of professions you learn everything you need to know on the job.

what this means is that in most professions, if all you have is experience and no degree, you won’t be applying for the lowest rung, you should be applying for something a level higher. at this point your employer is hoping you have SOMETHING beneficial in your history that can assist or complement everything they are going to teach you.

fadskfdhsak im tired of typing about this shit

whats worse is that this is hardly relevant as gfx design and all that other shit is TOTALLY experience based. if you can show you are a hardass you’ll be fine. Spelling mistakes won’t help, but showing competency in a range of styles ( within one subset ) will

Not sure if you saw the part where i stated that i do not at all have anything against not going to school, and am in fact very happy for those that do well without it…it is very possible…

My initial post was in defense of college, due to the fact that the gentleman i quoted made an open attack on school it seemed, and also seems to think that lieing on a resume will get you places…

Not sure if you understood that as the intention of my post

College, and Job experience is like anything… It is what you make of it. You need to take things and run with them if you want to succeed.

OK so back to how Dos sucks at spelling!

Let us not forget the grammar too.

Maybe if he went to school, he would have the basics of spelling. :lol: :wink:

daddie, no offense to you, but ur company is paying u to go back to school for a reason.

if college is worhless, and mcse certs are worthless then how do u IT guys prove that u know ur shit.

Thats really amusing hearing some of you bitch about spelling mistakes considering this kid learned Several coding languages, photoshop, flash, ect ON HIS OWN. … not to mention the fact that he has excellent artistic ability and creativity. He has had several decent clients and is starting a web development business… on his own… by the age of 21.

What can you people do again?

If he wants to be better at what he does he needs to tighten it up. It looks unprofessional plain and simple. I agree he has talent, he just needs to pay attention to the details.

Agreed. I just say credit where credit is due.

All of which mean nothing without the basics. A “showcase” website full of spelling and grammar mistakes will get him nothing. Not trying to rag on him as I’m sure he’ll fix it, but it’s not excusable.

Again, Dos I’m not giving you shit. It seems like you’ve got a pretty good path laid out for yourself, as the general concensus seems to be that in IT education comes second to experience and you have plans for both in that order. :tup:

I can combine my college degree and experience to get a job with great pay and benefits at the best engineering employer in Buffalo writing software that controls multi-million dollar chemical plants. How about you?

None taken.

We prove our worth by our job experience. I work on SANs all day long, not many people get to work with this type of shit, other companies look at my past work history and ask me what’s up, and I let them know, and blam, I get a job.

No one is discrediting his work or his accomplishments. He is an idiot!!!-savant of sorts. Like already posted, it’s necessary to at least appear professional, especially when trying to appeal to a crowd that’s asking YOU to represent them digitally.

And fwiw I can implement perhaps one of the most difficult, yet efficient ERP/MRP systems at your company ( Microsoft Dynamics- think JDEdwards on a grandoise scale )… this includes developing manufacturing protocols AND building your chart of accounts. I can develop accounting controls, procedure, balance your checkbook and create an efficiently-run production pipeline. I AM A SYSTEMS ANALYST!

it sucks, im getting my CPA.

Yes - but - this is why web designers/developers (usually) work hand in hand with business folks. The business tells what they want put up, the developers make it happen. The business reviews and advises on required changes, the developers make it happen.

Everyone can’t know everything and isn’t good at everything; well at least in most cases.
I think his stuff looks pretty good across the board. Just needed a little spot-checking. School MAY have helped, but even people I know who graduated from good colleges still make basic grammar mistakes. Smart as hell, but just don’t know the difference between to and too.

It’s only the people who have NO school smarts AND NO desire to make anything of themselves who really piss me off.

web site development pays shit, you either make webiste for small companies who pay shit and are cheap, or you work for a huge company updating pricebooks and crap

either network admin or DBA is where the loochie is at, and you need exp or certs to get in…

I have no education beyond highschool, i built up experience and know how to write on hell of a resume… but the exp I have now is enough to get me a new gig if need be

and networking (people) is of course the #1 priority