Anyone have any recommendations for gutter cleaning, preferably someone who gives free estimates.
My recommendation is this:
But seriously.
Close this thread right up.
I used these guys. I don’t do well with heights and mine hadn’t been cleaned in a couple years. $99 for house and garage, did a great job.
watching someone that has never been on a ladder or is not use to using one terrifies me. on a 1 story it is no big deal but stretching out a 28ft for a typical buffalo 2 story is not something I like to see my customers do.
I can do it but I would not be interested for $100 to do a garage and 2 story house
There’s guys who go around and do whole houses and garages for $55. They’re done in about 8 minutes and on to the next job. They did a fine job on @OH_Healp_its_Beast 's house. Some quick googling should bring them up.
I can’t believe that someone would drive to a job, set up a ladder, empty said gutters, and say “That will be $55 sir.”
if i didn’t pay for my van, tools, ladders, or fuel, insurance. I might. unless your gutters were not dirty there is no way it takes 8 min to clean gutters. which means either your were clean, you got scammed, or you are trolling.
I’d gladly pay someone a hundo to do mine.
2nd story and a ladder that barely reaches.
Gutter cleaning huh? What’s her name and what does she look like?