Looking for suggestions on where to send an '06 BMW M5 for A/C work...

…without shelling out enough to almost buy another one. Friend of mine would like to take it to a dealer, but I’m trying to explain to him that you could get the work done for cheaper.

Any suggestions?

I’d say Wayne but he usually won’t touch BMW’s. He may work on that though.

If not Wayne, I know Adam H is a hoss on anything German.

bring it to semir

I heart my BMWs. Do a lot of work for a few M owners on here.

loves mine.

ask Wayne. he will work on anything. just nuts and bolts

Thanks for the suggestions guys- I’ll probably hit up Wayne and see if he can; I’ve got some tires changes I’ve gotta do soon anyway. :tbu

A/C systems are a bit more than nuts and bolts though. Might need a vacuum pump, freon and a gauge set.

/\ and thats even if the comp and crap kicks on and off as it should. That M6 I would assume has more electrical and computer shit going on that the entire 5th floor of the IT department I work at! lol

Dude owns a $40K+ used car which once was what $100K a few years ago… if you want to be a baller, better be ready to pay top dollar for repairs and maintenance.

M cars are just expensive when/if they fail. I still loved mine, but you definitely can’t expect to ball on a budget with them. All of my BMW customers know all about the costs both expected and unexpected, especially the M guys/gals.

Actually, I spoke with DannyboyUpstate- he has most needed for the diagnosis, evac and recharge- hopefully that’s all that’s needed.