just wanna shoot home movies/tape stuff on my trip to florida for 2 weeks in May. what should i look for in a good camcorder? maybe once in a while mount it in the miata for some footage not to sure. what are some good brands?
I was looking into the same thing. In my price range the Creative Labs Vado HD 2nd edition took the cake.
The Canon HF200 is highly rated.
The Flip HD seems like a decent Camera at a good price, if your looking for something beefier and a little better the Canon camcorders shoot really nice footage
I have a canon vixia hf20 that i like.
just a quick vid for example of my house plants.
nice camera. gonna look this one up. I need one for the birth of my kid
Scratch that. not looking to spend 650 but the video quality looks great. Ill shoot the birth with my D40
haha u guys are way to baller im looking into this Canon FS200, i would like to keep it around $300.