Looking to start picking up Tennis

Have 91MR2 teach you.

Or, if you have a few g’s have my gf’s uncle teach you.

Instruction > fucking around > Joe’s advice.

Or he could just pay me, and get all 3 in one…

Reduced rate for NYSpeed of course…

id like to pick up tennis for fun too, original sin and i were just talking about that


Or he could just pay me, and get all 3 in one…


You’re going to give him Joe’s advice? oh noes


Or he could just pay me, and get all 3 in one…

Reduced rate for NYSpeed of course…


I cant afford lessons, I’m currently enrolled in a boxing class and a speed clinic.


Fine, full price, haha. Seriously next time you come to town, let me know…

there are speed clinics? isn’t it just place pill in mouth, drink water, swallow?


there are speed clinics? isn’t it just place pill in mouth, drink water, swallow?


thats what i was thinking
a little ephedrine and a big ass cup of coffee


I end up just getting bored and home run hitting the ball :frowning:

come see me, I used to be a USPTA certified teaching professional… sucka


This post makes me want to put my head through a fucking plate glass window.


just how i was taught and learned to play decently way back in the day/taught a couple complete n00bs successfully, sure you do somethin different :gotme:

but by all means, since you want to, please do. and take pics of carnage. which would totally be better than any tennis thread. :tup:


just how i was taught and learned to play decently way back in the day/taught a couple complete n00bs successfully, sure you do somethin different :gotme:

but by all means, since you want to, please do. and take pics of carnage. which would totally be better than any tennis thread. :tup:


I didn’t mean to come off like a jerk before, it’s just something I’ve done for the better part of my life, so when I was reading the post, my head was just spinning.

:tup: to you for teaching your friends though…takes patience…


come see me, I used to be a USPTA certified teaching professional… sucka


Is this true?

  1. get a tennis racket
  2. get some balls
  3. find a flat wall
  4. hit ball against said wall
  5. repeat

a wall is the hardest opponent you will ever play, hits it back everytime

oh and stay outta “no mans land”


I suck at Tennis. I’m ok a ping pong, not that ping pong and tennis have anything to do with each other, but whatever.

Where do I start…

Seriously, I can hit a ball forehand back and forth, but beyond that, I’m pretty bad.


You’re going to be skinnier than me if you start playing tennis :smiley:


Post pics of this girl you are trying to score by learning tennis…



Check out Sound Shore or Hastings Tennis club. They both have decent instructors. Even if you can only afford a few lessons, they will go a long way to making sure you don’t develop bad habits.


Is this true?



what are u doing this weekend. ill show you the ropes.