Looking to store my car via Public Storage

I really need to take the beast off the road by the end of the week. I’m sure some of you have used public storage for your 240’s, if so please give me a good recommendation that isn’t too pricey.



The place I store mine is located right beside the african lion safari north of hamilton…

$35 a month, dry, relatively clean, no one allowed in or out until spring.

It’s inside a modern barn.

No working on it if you plan to.

I can hook you up with a place in Brantford…

public storage is EXPENSIVE one place has a deal for 20$ for the first month but after that it’s 300/month

Woah…were are you going?

I got quoted $50 a month for a 2 car storage unit, heated, and powered at public storage.

That’s not too bad. Where abouts is this?

$50 is amazing, you can store 2 cars which means $25. ANd it’s heated too…It’s like paying a cell phone bill or buying that latte from starbucks everyday.

Starbucks sucks balls, “you need a coffee to wait in line for a coffee”

However, their fraps are awsome =]

I hate starbucks too. But lots of people love it. It’s like a trend.