Looks like the hippies are losing the whale wars

“SYDNEY - A conservation group’s boat had its bow sheared off and was taking on water Wednesday after it collided with a Japanese whaling ship in the frigid waters of Antarctica, the group said.”

Oh that sucks

“It was on the port side, which meant he didn’t have right of way, and we were stationary,” he said. “It’s totally absurd what the Japanese whalers have done, they’ve just deliberately gone in and tried to run us over.”

Hmm I wonder why the Japanese would go and do such a thing?

Clashes using hand-thrown stink bombs, ropes meant to tangle propellers and high-tech sound equipment have been common in recent years, and collisions between ships have sometimes occurred.

:facepalm Sounds to me like theyre lucky they only got run over



fuck hippies ,why trust em ? they smell like shit nasty hair and do all sorts of drugs

As long as the whales are not endangered why does everyone care so much? People need to eat. Whales provide food as well as many other uses for the Japanese.

People see mommy and calf whale on the discovery channel and get all emotional. Retarded.



Does Batman know they wrecked his boat?
