Ever see a Yacht crash?

Probably not, because presumably it’s easy to avoid another object in open water with light traffic


haha FAIL

Seriously, all parties involved must be retarded.

That little boat got fucked.

I love how NO ONE moved away from the rail either.:lol


Wasted. The smaller boat should have throttled off and altered course. Millions of acres of water and they manage to play bumper boats… Ugh. I hate all the the people.

Smaller boat was still on the throttles until after the collision. How is it that all the retards I come across on the mohawk avoid piling into one another (even when leaving the jumpin jacks fireworks), and these guys had perfect visibility and miles in any direction managed to collide.

Would have had to try to hit one another.

Also like how nobody is like “oh fuck, fucking turn to avoid this shit”.

can’t see the video. was either of them technically a sail boat? because they are supposed to have the right of way, even if they are not under sail, i think.

Yeah a Sail Yacht :rofl

Smaller boats fault regardless, probably illegal immigrants.


This takes stupidity to a level I didnt think was possible.

Playing boat chicken.

thats a good way to get them to swim back to Cuba


You should always turn off your cloaking device while sailing.


Fast and Furious 6 teaser
