So will I, as my wife teaches there. But in the end, if anyone who it does affect goes in to it with pessimism, then of course it’s going to suck. Self-fulfilling prophecy. But my belief is that the projects and trailer parks already associated with WM district (and there are a few) are no better or worse than anything Duquesne is bringing to the table. What will make it bad is the parents and kids from those WM trailer parks and projects “thinking” they are any better than the kids from Duquesne, simply because they are a different race… “Our food-stamps is better than yours”. It’s the attitude of ~“We don’t want their kind”~ that will cause the problems, not the integration of the Duquesne students, in and of itself. It’s all boiling down to be a race issue in disguise, and that’s what really pisses me off about it. Sometimes when I think the world is finally past that shit, it drags itself right back in to the 60’s all over again.