looks like west mifflin and east allaghany schools

I said whitehall…not carrick…whitehall is full of prettyboys…and if the difference is the kid will run instead of fight or shank someone…I would rather my kid to run than to shank someone.

by the time my children get the high school age, catholic schools will be diminishing… and if they are around they will be mighty expensive…bc by then the values that are today…will have been erased. I hate to say it but my generation and younger…God help us!

Well my point was not letting ur kid act like he’s some thug in the first place. I’d want my kid to walk away from something stupid too, teens have no thoughts about future consquences of their actions.

i too feel sorry for future generations… hell look at how pathetic cartoons are now compared to what i watched as a kid. if they can’t even show decent cartoons how are kids gonna grow up normal :smiley: Some good ole tom and jerry violence never hurt anyone.

I see and agree

i love tom and jerry…lol
I miss those cartoons!..but WWF always followed. blah

good point…we are probably talking about the same people who got sesame street to change bc half the puppets were gay???
And the tellatubbies? They dont even talk!

Grrrr…people make me mad.

yeah the WWE is pure garbage now. not that it was ever geared to kids(it was defeintly marketed to them thou) but i don’t think it appropriate for kids to watch compared to when i did back in like 87-93.

kids aren’t kids anymore. they are doing grown-up stuff at early ages now.
they are too busy watching filth on MTV… WOW i’m gettin old.


Originally Posted by spektator
You obviously have no idea what its like to live in poverty…I actually feel bad for you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


If you would start liking a real car, like a Ford, we would agree on most things. :D:D:D

tom and jerry was cool, but I always liked the road runner and tazmanian devil better though.

but spongebob and jimmy neutron are pretty damn good. I spend some saturday mornings in bed with my 2 (soon to be 3) kids watching cartoons, then if the weather is bad we watch the PowerBlock on Spike after cartoons.

I think its funny that two of the people that are actually affected by this, myself (who has 2 cousins in the WM district that I’m very close with, they are like my brother and sister) and 77redneck (who has kids in the district), are the ones that seem to be the most upset about this.

Everyone else can look through their rose colored glasses, but in the end, it matters to us because we are going to have to deal with this with our family on a day to day basis.

well my dads business is in WM so :stuck_out_tongue:



Suburbs > *

But how often do you see a south hills (usc, bp, sp, peters, etc.) go home with some trash, few and far between, when i used to go to the club it was segregated just like we are here, certain people stay in certain areas…now granted the usc, bp, sp, peters girls were always the best becuz mommy and daddy shelter them and when they get out on there own they do crazy shit FTW lol

So will I, as my wife teaches there. But in the end, if anyone who it does affect goes in to it with pessimism, then of course it’s going to suck. Self-fulfilling prophecy. But my belief is that the projects and trailer parks already associated with WM district (and there are a few) are no better or worse than anything Duquesne is bringing to the table. What will make it bad is the parents and kids from those WM trailer parks and projects “thinking” they are any better than the kids from Duquesne, simply because they are a different race… “Our food-stamps is better than yours”. It’s the attitude of ~“We don’t want their kind”~ that will cause the problems, not the integration of the Duquesne students, in and of itself. It’s all boiling down to be a race issue in disguise, and that’s what really pisses me off about it. Sometimes when I think the world is finally past that shit, it drags itself right back in to the 60’s all over again.

Does she teach in the high school? Because if she doesn’t, then it won’t affect her since they are only getting kids 9th grade and older.

Look at that duck!>

it’s people like you who are dragging us back to the 60’s. Noone on here is making this a race issue, nor is it a race issue. Nobody cares what color the kids are, fact is that duquesne was a bad school, with bad students and now they are going to be put into another school district only to pull it down a few levels. I am glad my kids will not go to that school, even if by some chance I have not moved by then.