looks like west mifflin and east allaghany schools

Yep. 9th grade geometry and Algebra 2. After 10 years at South Allegheny.

Ummm… how so?

We’ll agree to disagree. The school was bad. The kids weren’t. The kids were a product of the surroundings. Given a better school, more discipline, and a path for success… they’ll cause no problems. Give them hassles from people who don’t want them, then of course there will be problems. But I hope everyone who doesn’t want them does pull their kids from the school. That will cause less problems and leave the kids there who actually do want to learn.

[QUOTE=77rednecktruck; 588186]Nobody cares what color the kids are[/quote]So it’s only coincidence they are black?

I dont want to hear this bullshit…product of your surroundings. That is just a way to pass the blame…it is just asshole breeding with other assholes to produce more assholes. If you want to pass the blame blame the parents…but you should be able to make decisions for yourself by the time you reach HS. Bottom line is these parents who work hard to better themselves and to raise their kids “right” don’t want assholes around their kids…end of story.

What exactly defines an “asshole”? See, I see i as someone so closed-minded to believe the shit you’re putting out without ever having been raised or exposed to the surroundings I’m talking about. You make assumptions based on your beliefs without even knowing what goes on in the life of a kid from Duquesne.
Working hard to better themselves is cool. Raising their kids “right” is a matter of opinion. To me, raising your kids to believe they are any better than someone from Duquense is not right.
Assholes breeding with other assholes? Which doesn’t happen in West Mifflin? You nuts?

Which to me is a description every bit as true for the kids of Duquesne as any where else.

“Asshole” is a matter of opinion, and there are just as many breeding in West Mifflin as anywhere else. But again, I state that until someone lives in the shoes of a kid growing up in Duquesne, they can’t make assumptions when looking in from the outside, based on their own beliefs or upbringing.
To me, “asshole” is someone who teaches their kid to not accept and help others. What is raising your kids “right”, by definition? What if a person were trying to “keep them away from assholes” but that person’s own kids are “assholes”? (Not saying that refers to anyone, just stating an opinion).
And sorry, but it’s a psychological fact that kids, “by the time they are in high school”, are not capable of making decisions. Shit, most 30 year old guys I know still can’t. Especially when they are assholes.

did you even bother to read my reply. you complain that we are digressing back to the 60’s when in reality it’s only you bringing up race.

yea, the kids are bad. If I had a few extra million dollars, perfect parents, perfect neighborhood, perfect etc… I would be different also. But the fact is, these kids were obviously raised and schooled like shit (someone posted the average SAT scores, it wasn’t good) and I want them nowhere near my kids.

you tell me? I could really care less what color they are.

then you put your own kids into duquesne school since all of these kids are well mannered and respectable school kids.

If I had reason/need to live there, I would NOT send my kids to Duquesne, however not because of the kids within the district; but because of the district itself. But it’s a moot point since the district won’t exist anyhow.
I’ve never implied that Duquesne kids are well-mannered respectable kids. But that’s more a fault of the district and parenting than the kids themselves. I’d put my kids in to WM district in a heartbeat; but I live in EF school district, which is much, much worse of a district in what it has to offer, the shape/deteriation of the buildings and outdated materials/computers used to educate, etc. I wish I could have my house and neighborhood in WM district.
I’d take WM any day. And let me tell you that some of the stories I hear show that the kids already in WM district are every bit the assholes people claim the Duquesne kids to be. It’s the pot calling the kettle…

No, it’s only me calling it for what it is when most seem to be hiding behind it.

I highly doubt there are just as many breeding in West Mifflin. To me the definition of an asshole in this case is some low life that thinks it is his/her purpose in life to cause trouble with, deal drugs, start fights, act disrespectful, steal, committing crimes …all while acting like the world owes them something. Now don’t take me as being ignorant and don’t think that there are kids everywhere that act like this. The point is percentage wise in areas like Duquesne, Hill Dist, Hazelwood, Allentown, ect there are A LOT more assholes.

Raising your kids “right” is teaching them right from wrong, teaching them good morals, to do the right thing even when it doesnt always benefit you the most… to sum it up not to do the things that assholes do.

The thing is I have/had friends from both ends of the spectrum so I know all people from shitty neighborhoods are not assholes. But I also went a highschool that was full of assholes. I would tell some of my friends that went to “better” (safer) schools stories about some of the shit that I seen on a REGULAR basis like someone getting jumped for no reason at all, couple of fights per day sometimes, teacher getting beat in the head with a 3lb sledge hammer, teacher getting a battery thrown at his face by a student and needing stitches, ect, etc and they would laugh and say they never see shit like that at their schools. That is what I/we are getting at…yeah you can state reasons why these kids are assholes and how we need to fix the problem…BUT nobody want to have their kids around people like this for obvious reasons.

I proportion/ratio, no, but in numbers, yes. Duquesne is a small district, so even if every kid coming in is an asshole, West Mifflin still has more because it’s a bigger place.

The above I understand and get where you’re coming from. Good points. I don’t believe, however, that kids in Duquesne all believe the world owes them anything. If anything, I think they believe the world is always taking away from them. And the stories about what kids will do to teachers… that happens everywhere. Being a former teacher and married to one, I’ve heard/seen it all. Some of the suburban schools are much better at covering it up, but some kids, especially since we started mainstreaming special needs kids (no child left behind and all that shit), are going to be that way regardless of how “good” the school is. I’ve heard of a parent telling a teacher friend that she “deserved it” after the guy’s kid threw a book at her for failing the kid. Guess what school? USC.

Look at ShalerPunk…he went to Shaler and now hes a big piece of shit waste of life regardless.

j/k blanyer :grouphug:


its not a duck, its a chicken!!!

nope its tom and jerry
