:blue: yea i gave up on replying…too much damn reading and typing
Brown nose whiney brats? Now who’s generalizing?
glad everyone backs up their arguments so well…
Duquesne has 78% of their students coming from low income families and of the roughly 443 students enrolled only 87.5% graduate.
Shaler has roughly 1400 students and 94.1% graduate. Only 7.3% of shaler students come from low income families.
Average SAT score for Shaler, 992.26. Average for Duquesne, 661.5.
Of course there are exceptions, the statistics show that, however, schools in better neighborhoods produce better students. I did not look for any stats regarding the effect on “good” schools when a “bad” school is closed and the students enrolled in the “good” school.
sources: http://www.schools-data.com/schools/Duquesne-MS-HS-Duquesne.html
if the kids are anything like thier parents…they will have the same attitude…
So we should assume the “ghetto” kids are like their parents too?
Ok, so let me get this straight. It’s a terrible thing for people who are well off to generalize that people that are poor/poorer are pieces of shit, but it’s perfectly okay for those who grew up poor or in a low income situation to have a negative attitude towards those who have more money or a better situation?
I think you can walk your ass right back out the “hypocrite” door, thank you very much.
[QUOTE=1st v-dub;587780]the statistics show that, however, schools in better neighborhoods produce better students. QUOTE]
ok, so whos to say that when you mix them…the stats will drasticly change?
I highly doubt the “shaler” kids will plumit in gpa and sat scores bc a bunch of kids from “duqu” get transfered there.
These kids, low income or not, have never been challenged in school…they dont know what homework is. Honestly, I bet half of them have never even read a text book. And those that have will only increase the “good” schools stats.
Someone has to give these kids a chance. Trust me! If they dont feel comfortable in “your” school…they wont go! Therefor you have nothing to worry about. they are just as scared as you are.
When I was in high school, 10th grade actually, I dated a guy who lived in the city…was a lil rough neck gangster and dad was doing time for a weed bust, was even on the news. He had lost his brother and sister to street violence. He went to South vo-tech. I almost shit myself when one day he came over and had to do math work for his next class. It was 7th grade math…and was only required to do like 10 problems…in 9th grade! He was 15 and couldnt do simple math. It was sad. I.E. why south is no longer open…
yall already do… or we wouldnt be having this discusion
absolutly not…But can you honestly tell me that a “ghetto” kid walking into a “upper class” school isnt going to feel low already? You think that kid is going to feel welcome? knowing that most of the kids will look down on him/her just bc of where he/she is from?
Same as if a rich kid moved into the city…same effect.
But no matter what income bracket you fall in, EVERY CHILD DISERVES A GOOD EDUCATION! And its been proved that the better neighborhoods have better schools…
If you have faith that your school is so much better than trust in it to make the right decisions and educating ALL the students. Dont hurt these kids who still have a chance to make something of themselves because the city’s school system is low budget and fucked up.
When your schools end up getting recognition for taking in low class students and making the graduating rate increase and sat scores increase…dont you dare stand in that crowd.
All of you who have doubts just might be made asses of by some of these kids.
As I said, I didn’t look for any stats on this and I know there are exceptions. That is all I’m going to say.
I wasnt argueing with you, I was agreeing with you.
still here…
No shit the person would not feel welcome. It is natural when you think of the circumstances. But in reality if a rich kid went to a ghetto school there is a strong change that kid would get picked on and havr to take a few ass woopins. But you put a ghetto kid in a nice school yeah he may have to put up with some shit but the chances of getting his ass beat are less.
But no matter what income bracket you fall in, EVERY CHILD DISERVES A GOOD EDUCATION! And its been proved that the better neighborhoods have better schools…
If you have faith that your school is so much better than trust in it to make the right decisions and educating ALL the students. Dont hurt these kids who still have a chance to make something of themselves because the city’s school system is low budget and fucked up.
When your schools end up getting recognition for taking in low class students and making the graduating rate increase and sat scores increase…dont you dare stand in that crowd.
All of you who have doubts just might be made asses of by some of these kids.
What the fuck are you talking about…you have no clue. The problem isnt the school or the teachers or the programs…the problem is these piles of shit that go there and act like animals and think their purpose in life is to start shit. I went to a ghetto ass school and I got a good education…so I don’t want to hear this shit everyone is entitled to a good education…no shit, and most schools offer that opportunity…city schools have the PSP and the CAS programs for kids who actually care about their future. The $ to fund programs is a problem but you cant say with good teachers and a kid who wants to better him/herself does not have a chance.
I am sick of hearing this shit it is the “same on both sides”…no it is not. If the sect 8/ghetto isnt too bad then why is the crime rate and violence rates so high in these neighborhoods??? Why is it dangerous to take your kid for a walk or go to the park in there neighborhoods? The reason is (now I am generalizing a little) the way this world is today, money correlates with a persons will to better themselves, generally speaking. Usually people who want to better themselves and get ahead in life make more money and do not need to live off the government. Then the people who are low lives and have no drive work the system and are the ones who are piles of shit. This is a very general point of view and I realize it isnt always this way but I just state this to get my point across. Not saying people with a little $ are always better people…just saying % wise. For example walk through whitehall and then walk through allentown…you’ll get the idea.
in theory, that works great. But the world does not work like that.
If you grew up poor and in a ghetto and got out and made something of yourself, great. I am sure it happens and it’s very good that it does. But I do not want my kids growing up aroung a ghetto or ghetto like kids. I work and study and try to get a good job so my kids do not have to deal with this. I will not do all of this work for my kids just to have some decent school district let in trash and fuck it all up.
WTF are you talking about? I am GLAD I never grew up in “poverty”. And I am GLAD my kids will not grow up like that either.
i have to go with bravada and redneck on this
as much as me and redneck disaree on shit. he is great parent
i’ll throw some statistics in for CC. my source is central 2006-2007 Annual report on giving.
total enrollment is 830
aprx 28% recieve need based financial assitance
38% of students reside in pittsburgh and 62% are from the suburbs ( i bet more than half of that is from penn hills)
17% are non catholic
12% are minority
98% of graduates go on to college
99% seniors scored 3 or higher on advanced placement exams
8 million dollars in scholarships offered to the class of 2006
Scores on SAT’s are higher than the national average in overall score in each category
average class size is 21
15:1 student to teacher ratio
This is exactly why my parents sacrificed so much to send me to a catholic school and I seriously hope that I can afford to send my kids to one also.
The reality is that every parent wants whats best for their child…it just comes out in different ways.
I never once called anyone on here a bad parent, so that comment about redneck being a good dad…I dont doubt that.
But I always look on both sides of life because thats how I was raised…to be equal, not one sided.
I agree with half of the things being argued…I just cant bring it to myself to shut a child out. I personally dont have kids, and i wont know how to act until I do…but Ive raised a good amount of kids in my life and I know that I would fight for them until death.
My parents are both very prejugidice and rasist…I refused to be so blind and ignorant.
If it wasnt for a few select people in my life stepping above my parents and guiding me in the right direction, I too would probably be one of those lil ghetto whores.
I owe it to those who stood by me, by standing by someone else who needs help and passing on a strong hand.
problem is kids from whitehall, south park, and just about any suburb wanna act like they are someone from allentown. you put one suburb wanna be next to a kid from allentown…on the outside they look identical… but if i comes to a fight the kid from the suburb is probably gonna bail and the kid from allentown will shank you. suburban parents seem to think just because they live away from trouble they can relax on their parenting, let their kids dress like crap, let them stay out as long as they want, give them vehicals because its an inconvience to drive them around. most of the suburbs of pittsburgh aren’t far enough away to really be suburbs, they are just extentions of the city. Sure their isnt crime on every block in south park but once your kid is in high school they are old enough to go where there is crime. you think all those girls dressed like srippers at club zoo are from carick? no they got dropped off by mt lebo soccer mom. and their mom thinks…“hey we live in a great place so my daughter is a good kid” mean while she’s suckin off some kid in a car in a strip district alley… thats what i mean about lax parenting…
here’s the bottom line… the city isn;t as bad as people think and the suburbs aren;'t as great as people think. ghetto parents aren’t bad because they can’t provide for their kids and suburban parents are automatically wonderfull because they can buy their kids anything. values can’t be bought or learned in school (the libs will make sure ur kids wont learn values in school) they need to start at home. so just because you are poor and go to duq doesn’t mean ur gonna rob my grandma at the cogo’s and just because you are wealthy from NA doesn’t mean you are gonna help my grandma cross the street. Infact what i have viewed is poor kids have more respect for mom/ grandma because thats usually all they got, families seem closer.
i will go into debt if i have to to send any future sons to Central. i also go tuition sittin in my garages. I’m sure it’ll be 10,000 by then.