looks like west mifflin and east allaghany schools

just wow


to tell you the truth, my city neighborhood is know for not having black and not liking black. i grew up without a single black kid in my school and then central was only about 12%. so i made it a good portion of my life not around blacks. went to CCAC. met my now best friend. he was a gangster, from the hill, sold weed cause thats all he knew. I knew he was a good person thou. He’s now a home owner, an A tech for firestone, has a line of credit, a father. All it takes is for one person to give you a chance to turn ur shit around. I helped steer him right and he helped balance my view of the world and the people in this country. I’ve been in the hood with him, sceen some shit i never thought i’d see. been in the projects. A lot of those gang bangers got hearts but they gotta do what they do before the next guy with out a heart blows them away. you give them a chance while they are young, get em out the hood, let them make friends with people that don’t wanna take thier shit and try and smoe them then maybe they see how the world outside the concrete jungle is.

That’s cool, just not around my kids… [/sarcasm]
In reality, I totally agree with you.

Look at everything you have forward to Cutty :slight_smile:

And what have you accomplished?

I grew up in millvale…I gre wup in sharpsburg, I also tutored college physics…with a shaler diploma.

no offense, but fuck you if you think thats even close to being true! My house was the drug ring, christ, I was an acid baby and my parents were seniors in high school…SHALER High to be excact! Ive seen every drug, ive seen nothing but empty bottles in the garbage…ive been beat, kicked, dropped off on a door step…so are you trying to tell me that I should have stayed a rat because thats where I belong?

I am a college grad…my lil brother is a mech for bmw…my lil sister is off to Toledo Univ. with highest honors…all because we moved from sharpsburg to shaler. a “ghetto” to a “suburb”

Try me again on that one.

… for a reality check please read above.

i have a job that i have been in for 7 years. doesn’t pay how i’d like but i have a MLB pension as of this past june, i have mutal funds, i have all the toys i can handle. i think i owe a great bit of gratitude to central catholic for what i have… for two reasons… i had detention twice in high school and had to write a sentece on both occasions 100 times. “every private citizen has a public responsibility” and " people tend to become what you tell them they are" those two phrases i’ve tries to make a part of my life. I’m not out for myself… thats clear in the way my friends view me. I’d give away my last penny if someone needed it. what people think of me say about me, is totally different than what the truth is. so what have i accomplished… what ever you wanna think

you have accomplished more than you think…money doesnt make you rich, its what you have in your life that does.

I have a college degree and choose not to use it.
I have 3 jobs bc I like to keep busy.
I have no money bc I choose to spend it than try to take it with me.
I have a roof, a vehicle, and a loving family…all i need in life.

" people tend to become what you tell them they are"- this is what starts ignorance.

Learn from it.

pittspeed.com, or pittpolitics.com ???

That’s cool, just not around my kids… [/sarcasm]
In reality, I totally agree with you.

the schools you mentioned are 11ty billion times better than duquesne and other schools like that

my stats are merely a numerical representation of “a vast majority”, it is not or should not be a concrete number.

i live in the ghetto…so you can count me in that 1%

congrats to you

now take every person who grew up in your neighborhood with you and let me know how they turned out. I am sure a few of them turned their life around, but I bet a bigger number didn’t.

didn’t catch you saying that earlier…but honestly…i have lived in the ghetto my entire life…i’m on my way out…and for a young black male living in the ghetto…the ghetto was never in me. Just because you were deprived does not mean you have to act like it and be some god damn ghetto ass charity case. Change the way you think because we all have to live together whether you like it or not

i have one question for you…how do you change the world? one small act of kindness at a time…it’s a lot easier to spread death and opression than it is to spread smiles and helping hands. People are lazy and don’t want to do shit to help others…do you have kids?

I would love to fight with you till the bitter end but…

I can’t argue with your response. I just love trying to get a rise out of you :slight_smile:

Well put

i just read this and all i have to say is holy fucking emo

u read all of it? i got to post like 10 and was like wtf

now take my graduating class at Shaler…and create the same spectrum…bet you get the same results!

i dont know what your really worried about anyway…those kids getting tranfered are going to be so afraid of your ignorance and hate, they probably wont make it the 2nd week…and those that do are the strongest. To have to deal with that type of move…then deal with a bunch of brown nose whiney brats who are taught to hate those “under” you, I congratulate them. And I hope that one of them becomes the top honor student and steps on your “kids” (in general) on the way up.

You obviously have no idea what its like to live in poverty…I actually feel bad for you.

So I was reading about the lady using her baby as a weapon…and stumbled onto this…