looks like west mifflin and east allaghany schools

Which to me is a description every bit as true for the kids of Duquesne as any where else.

“Asshole” is a matter of opinion, and there are just as many breeding in West Mifflin as anywhere else. But again, I state that until someone lives in the shoes of a kid growing up in Duquesne, they can’t make assumptions when looking in from the outside, based on their own beliefs or upbringing.
To me, “asshole” is someone who teaches their kid to not accept and help others. What is raising your kids “right”, by definition? What if a person were trying to “keep them away from assholes” but that person’s own kids are “assholes”? (Not saying that refers to anyone, just stating an opinion).
And sorry, but it’s a psychological fact that kids, “by the time they are in high school”, are not capable of making decisions. Shit, most 30 year old guys I know still can’t. Especially when they are assholes.