If I had reason/need to live there, I would NOT send my kids to Duquesne, however not because of the kids within the district; but because of the district itself. But it’s a moot point since the district won’t exist anyhow.
I’ve never implied that Duquesne kids are well-mannered respectable kids. But that’s more a fault of the district and parenting than the kids themselves. I’d put my kids in to WM district in a heartbeat; but I live in EF school district, which is much, much worse of a district in what it has to offer, the shape/deteriation of the buildings and outdated materials/computers used to educate, etc. I wish I could have my house and neighborhood in WM district.
I’d take WM any day. And let me tell you that some of the stories I hear show that the kids already in WM district are every bit the assholes people claim the Duquesne kids to be. It’s the pot calling the kettle…
No, it’s only me calling it for what it is when most seem to be hiding behind it.