looks like west mifflin and east allaghany schools

I proportion/ratio, no, but in numbers, yes. Duquesne is a small district, so even if every kid coming in is an asshole, West Mifflin still has more because it’s a bigger place.

The above I understand and get where you’re coming from. Good points. I don’t believe, however, that kids in Duquesne all believe the world owes them anything. If anything, I think they believe the world is always taking away from them. And the stories about what kids will do to teachers… that happens everywhere. Being a former teacher and married to one, I’ve heard/seen it all. Some of the suburban schools are much better at covering it up, but some kids, especially since we started mainstreaming special needs kids (no child left behind and all that shit), are going to be that way regardless of how “good” the school is. I’ve heard of a parent telling a teacher friend that she “deserved it” after the guy’s kid threw a book at her for failing the kid. Guess what school? USC.