July 11, 2007, 2:15pm
If it wasnt for welfair id be a dead b*tch! Granted…if my parents were smarter in their actions we wouldnt have needed it…but when they took it off of us, they learned how to get thier asses up and get a job real quick!
I work 3 jobs…over 90 hours a week I drive a beat ass car, and dont pay rent…but I will be damned if I act like it!!!
I bust my ass everyday for the mistakes that not only myself but my parents have made as well…
Govt assistance is needed in this country…bc its people like this that make it hard for not so wealthy people to afford good things like a damn good education for their kids!
dont punish these kids bc their parents are assholes!
And stop making the younger generation so damn racist!!!
Like I said it has a purpose and is a great thing for people who use it correctly…but like I also said there are more idiots that work the system than the people who use it how it was meant to be used. And no need to bring race into it.