looks like west mifflin and east allaghany schools

No shit the person would not feel welcome. It is natural when you think of the circumstances. But in reality if a rich kid went to a ghetto school there is a strong change that kid would get picked on and havr to take a few ass woopins. But you put a ghetto kid in a nice school yeah he may have to put up with some shit but the chances of getting his ass beat are less.

But no matter what income bracket you fall in, EVERY CHILD DISERVES A GOOD EDUCATION! And its been proved that the better neighborhoods have better schools…

If you have faith that your school is so much better than trust in it to make the right decisions and educating ALL the students. Dont hurt these kids who still have a chance to make something of themselves because the city’s school system is low budget and fucked up.

When your schools end up getting recognition for taking in low class students and making the graduating rate increase and sat scores increase…dont you dare stand in that crowd.

All of you who have doubts just might be made asses of by some of these kids.

What the fuck are you talking about…you have no clue. The problem isnt the school or the teachers or the programs…the problem is these piles of shit that go there and act like animals and think their purpose in life is to start shit. I went to a ghetto ass school and I got a good education…so I don’t want to hear this shit everyone is entitled to a good education…no shit, and most schools offer that opportunity…city schools have the PSP and the CAS programs for kids who actually care about their future. The $ to fund programs is a problem but you cant say with good teachers and a kid who wants to better him/herself does not have a chance.

I am sick of hearing this shit it is the “same on both sides”…no it is not. If the sect 8/ghetto isnt too bad then why is the crime rate and violence rates so high in these neighborhoods??? Why is it dangerous to take your kid for a walk or go to the park in there neighborhoods? The reason is (now I am generalizing a little) the way this world is today, money correlates with a persons will to better themselves, generally speaking. Usually people who want to better themselves and get ahead in life make more money and do not need to live off the government. Then the people who are low lives and have no drive work the system and are the ones who are piles of shit. This is a very general point of view and I realize it isnt always this way but I just state this to get my point across. Not saying people with a little $ are always better people…just saying % wise. For example walk through whitehall and then walk through allentown…you’ll get the idea.