looks like west mifflin and east allaghany schools

What the fuck does this have to do with the topic? It is simple…waste of lives that live to start shit are moving into somewhat decent school districts…most parents who care about their kids don’t want these losers around their kids…end of story

I do not live in the city Sorry

and i am looking for a house in cranberry NA area.

sorry my neighborhood will not have section 8 since i will move somwhere the busses dont go to

you guys kill me…

do you know how much trash in your “non sect. 8 only good for my kid!” schools…

schools with money dont announce their stupidity to the public bc if they did, you wouldnt move there!!!

The “city” schools have that disadvantage bc the public is always all over them!

sometimes you dont have to worry about idiots around your kid because ur kid is the idiot. lets not kid ourselves… if you are a popular kid in high school, chances are you are an idiot. teenagers are idiots in general. black kids stay in the hood and kill eachother, white kids go out and get wasted and slam into innocent motorists… i think a lot of you forget how u probably once acted in high school. me, i never smoked, drank, did drugs and i was around it in my neighborhood, at my high school.

how many times has some black kid went nuts and opened fire at everyone in their high school… nuff said. i’m with the poor brothers on this one, they deserve a chance.

the city is already looked at as a “bad” school bc when somehting bad does happen no one is surprised…

but when something happens in a “good” school its holy sh*t look what they are doing to my school! outlook.

screw that.

whos to say that city kid isnt smarter than your kid. You could learn a thing or two!

If your so worried about your kid turning out to be like them…maybe you should be worried about your parenting skills and how well your kids listen to you. It all starts at home…

If your 12yr old (no matter what school they are in) hasnt learned about drugs and sex yet in the home…your kids know more than you think!!

:zzz: No need to stand up for sec 8 people…fact is over 50% of these people are just a drain on the economy and do nothing but cause trouble. Dont get me wrong I feel govt assistance has it place but there are some serious flaws…too many waste of lives “work the system” and live in their sec 8 house while driving in their pimp ride with 24" wheels.

like emo goth, slit my wrist kids from the 'burbs" aren’t losers? losers are everywhere. they just aren’t blacks from the ghetto. being poor from a crime infested place isn’t an excuse to act like garbage but somehow priledged kids who got the world at their finger tips seems to drag themselves into the gutter. its easy to kick the underdog “ghetto kids” so to speak.

well said. youve got my vote.

but when did this conversation turn into a race thing? There are just as much white trash in the city!

poverty doesnt come in black and white it comes in green…and the lack there of.

perfectly said, every place has it’s problems…where i live the black kids are selling crack and getting high off weed…where the “whiteys” live their kids are poppin xtc and killing themselves off just as fast as the black kids are shooting each other. learn to stop bitching and accept the things for the way they are…because sure a bunch of ghetto ass black kids from duke will be going to a “better school” but not each and everyone of them is trying to sell drugs and shoot at the next guy, some of these kids actually want that education.

hey maybe someone else besides Duq will win the WPIAL championship in football now!

and how many kids with the silver spoon in their mouth leach off family money? the only difference is what tax bracket they are in. but i’ll agree the libs made it too easy to sit on your ass and pump out babies. can;t solve that problem now but you can let those kids get a decent education away from crack slangers and hookers.

when it comes to my kids, fuck em. I want what is best for my kids. I could give a rats ass if you grew up in a shitty neighborhood and were poor. ~99% of the people you speak of will continue to be trash and bring down everyone around them, they will not see the opportunity and better themselves. I want my kids to have no part in that.

If parents wanted the best for their kids, everything would be good. We wouldn’t have “ghetto’s”. If the parents actually gave a fuck about anything other than how to get their next fix, a lot of problems would be solved. They would not want their kids growing up around drugs, shootings, robbery, etc… and would actually try to fix the problem. You can take the kid out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of the kid, they grew up in a shitty neighborhood and need to stay there and leave the good neighborhoods alone.

because honestly thats how some fucked up individual is looking at it…EA is mostly white…so is West Mifflin…Duke on the other hand is a bunch of black kids…
It’s people that are fucked up and it has nothing to do with skin color…it’s just not everyone views it that way and that creates the problem right there…there really is no way to stop the assholes from doing what they do…whether they be black, white, asian, or anything else for that matter

Hey I went to EA and I am glas I am outta there.that school is going down hill FAST, this is even before Duq will start there.


race has nothing to do with it

if i lived in the suburbs and wanted my kids to have a mixed class of diversity and crime they would go to Central Catholic:stick:

If it wasnt for welfair id be a dead b*tch! Granted…if my parents were smarter in their actions we wouldnt have needed it…but when they took it off of us, they learned how to get thier asses up and get a job real quick!

I work 3 jobs…over 90 hours a week I drive a beat ass car, and dont pay rent…but I will be damned if I act like it!!!

I bust my ass everyday for the mistakes that not only myself but my parents have made as well…

Govt assistance is needed in this country…bc its people like this that make it hard for not so wealthy people to afford good things like a damn good education for their kids!

dont punish these kids bc their parents are assholes!

And stop making the younger generation so damn racist!!!

lol no comment

the same people that cry duq wins all the time because they are poor black kids and thats all they can do good is play sports are the same ones that cry and say central wins all the time because they have money and recruit. they want it both ways. its don’t work like that. I would guess if you are poor you have a little bit more to play for, like gettin the fuck outta dodge and tryin to get a college scholarship.

it was a joke towards cutty