looky what I found!


check out the intro of the site… the little video. Notice that it is the NOPI Drift in Pittsburgh

Wait till it is finished… lol!

edit: just watched it from the very beginning… there is starboy!

drifting = homogayness

:wackit: that car
look who’s at the start of the vid :kekegay:

starboy lol

OMG… I hope you realize that you are knocking the almighty LS1

i thought it sounded like an ls1

If I had an ls1 240 I’d crush it.

i’d have quik sign it, and put it on ebay

Could care less about what the car has in it…just think drifting is gay…pretty simple.

so let me clarify this before i say anything, You are implying “drifting is pretty simple” correct?

I believe he is saying his point is simple, not the skill of drifting.

drifting may be hard and take a skilled driver and all, but it’s gay.



that 1 “Gay” activity generates BILLIONS of Dollars every year… even had a Movie Name after it.

So in my opinion if Drifting = Gay, and Gay = $BILLIONS$ then ill ride that “Gay” Bandwagon…

it’s a fucking trend

so if all of your guy friends are banging eachother, you’re joining right in?

please explain this theory.

My favorite quote about drifting:

“Drifting is to Road Racing as Figure Skating is to Hockey”

Hahaha, if you think about it rings very true. It’s all about “style” and flair, execution NOT speed etc. I do respect the skill it takes though, and I have some buddies that are big on the drift scene etc. so I guess maybe I don’t hate it as much as figure skating. :wink: Oh yeah, and dig my sig: I’m a big flaming homo drifto douche. :slight_smile:


That is a pretty weak argument. There are plenty of gay things that make ton of money. Gay porn pulls in BILLIONS and there are BILLIONS of movies, so why don’t you jump on that bandwagon too?

good point…and yes even w/o your sig you are still a flaming homo :moon:

aren’t all californians gay?