grip is gay

ok so why the fuck does no one on this forum drift and everyone grip

we have 35 people attending grip events but no one to drift events

yo grip is boring

im sick of all this grip shit

you guys own 240sx

drift or sell it and buy a fc



flame on bitch

Well that was pointless

its cooler to drift on the street

im all for drift.
not for the cost to enter, the reason why i attended freedriftfridays.
but yea seriously alot of people are scared to come out. some one pay for me to enter ill drift all day everyday , id rather blow up/break my car drifting.

Grip, dont buy a fc, buy a impreza.

i drifted my way out of my mom.

I’m just getting into most of this…but to me its all open for interpretation…and definitely varies forum-to-forum.

I have respect for both, and would like to be able to do both at some point or another in my life…regardless of what I do though, I’m not going to dismiss the other as gay. I’d put down drag racing as gay before I put down grip.

in a list of gay to good this is where its at

1.street racing=so gay i can call it brokeback
3.drag racing
thats all i can think of rite now. goodnight lol

i just wanna be cool so i make my car look like i drift so people will like me

This sounds a lot like something my teenage son would say. He’d rather look cool going sideways around a track than be cool by turning in a good time.

bring back drifting down with grip… were a dying breed no one orangizes drift events around here anymore. driftops does but its by invite

The reason why there are so little drift events is because most of you guys suck. Anyone go to the cscs event at dunnville? It looked like it was a driving school for lady asian drivers. People were going off the course every 15 seconds.

All we have is a select few of good/better than average drifters on this board and I think we have less than 10 of them here.

I’ll name a few: jesse, theo, chris, samson, chris, vlad, wayne and I probably missed one or two more names.

Everyone else is just a poser saying that they are into drift when they haven’t been to a drift event. Most people have just done some donuts in a parking lot.

Oh and another thing. The amount of 240s that usually attend these grip days are usually less than 5.

We will probably have 4 240s at the next grip event.

Everyone on this board is more interested in building a “drift” car with baller parts to drive to the weekly meets.

calling grip grip is gay

as is calling lapping days “going racing”

track days

lapping days



ripping tec

=all acceptable

going gripping

going racing when its a lapping day

=gay and rediculous

considering jesse and chirs are goind pro next year id say they are better then average… were are you going with grip??? no where… the only one i see who went somewhere with grip is sasha. im not saying i hate grip i just rather go drifting.

honestly I think mark is partially right.

I went to the cscs qualifying this year (the only AMATEUR drift event I’ve ever attended) and after being bored out of my mind for about 2 hours (it was a 4 hour event) I left. Along with about 10 other buddies who I was there with… we went to get food and the drive out of the parking lot was a shitload more entertaining than watching people drift.

i went to one of those D1 events a long time ago, I can’t remember what it was called now - but it was ‘ok’. they had some wicked cars there and chunki bai and those clowns were there and they were hilarious to watch - but thats because not only are they professional drifters but also very good entertainers.

When they weren’t doing their crazy antics it was just boring watching cars slide around wasting thousands upon thousands of dollars of rubber.

I think amateur drifting in our area is going downhill - the guys who are awesome at it like those who mark mentioned… s1dc, etc. they have a chance to run with it but other than that there are maybe a handful of people that I know of who can hold it down.

im just saying i like drifting i wouldnt mind lapping. but to say everyone sucks. i didnt know we had track stars on here.

You didn’t get my point when I listed all those names.

I just take my car to the track to have fun. It’s like saying, where are you going by playing basketball, soccer, hockey. Not everyone is going to become a wayne gretzsky or Sasha.

Stop being an idiot. And when you actually become a pro at drifting, then you can talk.

But since you had to ask the question…

Where do you think you’re going with drifting?

Into a wall?

How about you grow some hair on those tiny balls and see how fast you can drive your car.

OoOoOo you can swing you back end out in a corner… your soooo talented!

If you wanna grip buy an FC??? how much of a newb are you?? FC’s have the perfect weight transfer to drift and your gonna classify it as a grip only car??? LOL your stupidity has given me great amusment, thanks!

P.S Im all for drift, and if i knew when there was gonna be drift events for amateurs… yeah im an amateur… then i would definetly come out for a shit kicking good time.

Instead of coming here to bitch, why don’t you rent a track and hold an event?

Oh thats right, its hard to do that because most track owners realize the people
drifting on it will be a buncha troll kids who can’t drift for shit and will probablly
end up making a mess of the track.

Me thinks you’re just jealous of Dip and Mark’s successful lapping events at Dunnville.

it would be nice to have some people come out to drift to have fun too

it isn’t like it costs a shit load

in fact id say gripping costs more

drift all you need is an oil change, and spare used tires


Not really, you can grip a stock car as well as drift it.

Your points are kinda like a pencil that hasn’t been sharpened, useless.


how many fc’s have you had?

I’m not bitching I’m expressing my feelings. There has been no track days. What do I care about dip and marks days

Clearly jesse held the best day at dunnville if anything I’m jealous of him.

Jealous of what? if I wanted I could host a grip day too.

P.S. thanks to driftops for keeping drifting alive, without you guys we would all be GRIPPING ugh