
anytime ur ready to see tailights from a busted ass wanna be GN…let me know. i’ll be happy to oblige.



gbodies can’t win a race without dropping rust all over the track causing the other person to slow down to avoid !!!


gbodies are slow

I concur:bigok:

(statement) except for the GN’s and Turbo buiks (statement)

how many engines did you blow up? :slight_smile:

How many rust buckets do u “OWN” that actually run let alone turn better than a 15 sec run?:embarassd



Soooo are you gonna race?!

my g-body runs :dunno:

The only thing cutty owns that runs faster than 15 seconds is his mouth.


i like to poop


I think for the first time ever all the cars run at the shop including the elcamino.

so then the jrt racing team is ready to go???

^ I forgot your car was down there lol nevermind.

we have been racing all year. where have you been?


building a car

Oh right… I will be on my second build before you even get one done! Bought not built…