Lost Lien info

So the loan on the car is paid off. Bank sends Lein reliese in mail to my house. 3 weeks go by and still have not recieved the papers. Call bank and talk to some lady that said they will have to file for a lost lien. WTF does that mean. Anyone have any info on this.


I think they just go back to corporate and order up a copy of the original. No biggie… but it might be a while.

lien release was sent to You? what else do You need?

With a lien release & a PIF letter… Your contract is generally complete.

They should be able to work up a new release in a matter of a couple of weeks.

Unless You have a stip stating the bank will send the release to the DMV for You - but I’d be surprised.

You make a copy of the release (preferrably a notarized copy) and take it to the DMV / mail it in. The DMV prints a new title cert with no leinholder.

Unless… I completely misunderstood Your thread.

the release was lost in the mail

k - I thought that: “Bank sends Lein reliese in mail to my house.” meant that he had rec’d it. :tup:

There may be a fee involved for the prep of the new doc though - dependant on company.

The problem is the bank mailed me the lien release papers on nov. 14. I have not gotten them yet. Call bank today trying to figure something out and they say they will have to file for a lost lien because its been 3 weeks sence they mailed it and it probably got lost in the mail. For what ever reason they will send send out another and have to file a claim.