lot/chill tonight? 7/21/08

no car playing… just come out for wings/beer/chill session

you guys hang out waaayy too far north

thats SOUTH of me damn you!

my old trusty DD might get called upon for this, ive been working on my gti on and off all day, i had to do another axle, my driver side(2 months old) CV boot tore in GA spraying grease all over the place for about 900miles, got a nail in one tire, so im on ghetto wheels until wednesday, a low beam burned out, so i did a swap on the highway for a high beam bulb, so i have mismatched highbeams now, and to put the high beam back in its easier to just take the bumper off and take the headlight out so i did that… i pretty much hate my car…

how about latham, thats right in the middle

well… everyone has kinda already figured on cp… i think some left to get here already (pants party)

damn you northerners :idiots always causing traffic problems going south in the morning goin to work, and always causing problems goin back up north when work gets out

he is crazy.

come on brett come ill be there :drink :benny :naughty :bunny

if i go ill be a little late though

good more beer for john

i duno, bar w/ some dudes i just saw sunday… or hot girl + back rubs and comfy couch.

see ya guys next friday! :lol

fag i swallow

edit… that was 88slowmaro… and its the truth (for him)

haha, tempting but i’m trying to ungay myself. its a work in progress… so i better get workin! :gay

yeah youve got a ways to go

brett ya comin or what

im still covered in turbo grease. maybe 1045 or so since i have to put gas in the trusty Toyota as well

nice see ya there…

stay in the grease though i like it

john and i leavin now see ya there