Lot Friday?

oh it was looking good

I’ll be down tonight…fairly early too.

I’ll be there as soon as I’m done cleaning my car and prepping it for the track.

I probably won’t go, it’s pre-Sienafest weekend so I don’t plan on being in any condition to drive.

If plans change I will roll in on the Husky.

ill be there around 8 ish with a buch of stuff for sale…


el oh el

im not goin gettin the car ready for the valley …peace bitches

Im sick and both cars a torn apart. Have fun!

ill be down for a bit around 830-9

I may roll thru.

im sick as a dog :frowning:

last i knew, dogs werent sick.

Ill probably swing through, its gonna be warm out.

Riding > drinking

your an whore

im not going…

getting drunk with Bitches > swinging cocks in parking lot.

I got there around 12:30 and it wasnt too packed.

Just got back…

And before anyone hears anything different, my radiator fan fuse blew somewhere on the drive down, and it did not become apparent until slow traffic, and my overflow tank boiled over as I was parking@the lot. I refilled the water (down 1/2 gallon), replaced the fuse and all was good, other then the initial dealing with the kid with the silver Cavalier that was giggling and taking pictures of my car overheating when I popped the hood…(he stopped when I asked him if he always takes pics of random people w/ car trouble)

If you are reading this man, you seemed ok afterwards, but if you did that to the wrong person you would have got punched in the face…

what a tool.

I rode by with Fageitz on the motard. Of course he had to slam the 450 off the rev limiter like a ricer as we drove past :Idiots

the lot braahhhhhhh

It was ok tonight, but I don’t see how you guys can deal with being around that many douchebags:banghead