i almost fell in your coolent pond, brah.
At least it was not my urine.
no but i heard mcflurry was peeing next to you. and it wierded him out after the whole penis thing.
:lol “toolbag” isn’t on here I’m pretty sure.
But, it was nice finally meeting you man. Car is sick fo sho!
I know which guy youre talking about and he certainly is a tool. He acts like he knows everything about cars and yet probably doesnt even change his own oil.
good turnout last night. if you heard a certain Audi blaring Celine Dion and Whitney Houston it was on request by somebody.
Good seeing you guys out again, I havent been out in months!
oh, right! thanks, heheh
pretty easy to rack on someone when their not here to defend themselves…
but yeah he is kinda weird…says hes cavy has an all built motor n the guy in the supercharged buick seems to think he aint bullshittin but he wont pop the hood or talk about it
doesnt mean a thing, ill call him a tool face to face, man to man.
I dont care if theyre here or not. Guy is an annoying tool. End of story.
Built motor in his Cavalier- doubtful. Probably has an ebay CAI and colored spark plug wires.
I called his shit out to his face.
i gots no problem wit runnin my mouth
I called him a bitch right in front of his tits!
he had bitch tits???
Tourettes guy reference :lol
I’ve got a fairly long fuse, but his actions were not going to be allowed to continue, that’s for sure.
Nice meeting you too, sorry for kind of blowing you off when you first approached me, I was just trying to get my car straited out.
Anybody going tonight? Im bored as fuck and its not raining so I might take a ride out later on.
Yeah it’s no big deal I kind of figured you were worried about getting your car all set.