Lot Friday?

if its nice like last night, i think i will be out. im so effing bored!

Bar+drunk slutz>Lot

I dont feel like going to a bar and blowing more money. I drank at the concert last night and spent $40+.

mmmm, u have a point there, sir, but i dont drink. i COULD maybe be the DD though

Pregaming FTW. however 40 bucks is like the absolute minimum that I can spend at a bar, ha.

I drove there and didnt really plan on drinking much so I didnt think ahead I guess.
Ive had plenty of nights where Ive spent much more but the next day I wake up with an empty wallet wondering where all my money went.

if i have a drink with friends(usually at birthdays or something) i never drive

i dont drink and drive anymore either ,its not worth it

Agreed, I’ll drive on 2 beers, 3 MAX if it was over a few hours. Any heavy pregaming requires alternate transportation for sure.

Ive had plenty of nights where I dont remember driving home. I really try not to do that anymore.

well, like i said. Audi fits 4 passengers and like i tell Benny, “I can give rides as long as nobody yaks on the leather”


Wow, you are lucky, don’t ever endanger yourself or anyone else like that again man. I was severly injured by a drunk driver once…

Yeah, Ive done some dumb shit before. I dont make a habit of it and usually I drive when I go out with friends so I limit myself.

so as long as its all on you its ok

well, only if its a girl while she… uh, nevermind that. lets make it “just dont barf” and were good :slight_smile:

cme on ,you aint chokin bitches wit a mushroom head like yours …now if ya were turbo trav :number1

u dunno that :smiley: