*Lot Protocol* Protocolo de terreno ¡Ahora en español!

who saw the guys trying to fight the like 70 year old man

when was that?

i think it was last week it was the dude on the crotch rockets and some like 70 year old man. my friend got it on camera.

so who’s the new guy that just keeps asking about the lot. def seems very sketch…

Post the video up

ty for posting this, Adam. is there a way to “ban” idiots from the lot that break the rules?

No. Only option is a private hangout where the owner of the property approves a list of plate numbers/names.

Call police or beat them down, one or the other…

Vot… Who is this chick in your avatar pic… WOULD SLAM!

if you call police they will go after every one.

i like this plan. that will make it so that whoever comes in is known. maybe not to everyone there, but there would be a person responsible for them. somebody that would vouch for them. so that if anyone asks “who the F is that idiot doing a burnout” we’d know who to talk to about that.

if the cops come in, everyone gets kicked out. thats happened before.

i can email u that pic if u want. the ass is QUITE nice :tongue

If the police come, GOOD! The idiots that mouth off and drive like assholes that think its the fast and the furious can get tickets out the ass and go to jail if necessary. Some of the problem solved! Its not like there arent 1500 parking lots to relocate to if we get the boot for the night.

this is true but still cops will try and get you on any thing

I would be more than willing to sign something with my driver id, and my plate number, if there was such a place. Maybe thats what the speedshop place will want to do. And I would feel better with my car around all people I have atleast talked to on here, rather than random FnF wanna be kids.

i agree even tho every one on here probably thinks i am one for some reason.

yea, i dont want some idiot smashing into my car trying to show off doing a burnout. that shit wouldnt end well.

That wasnt directed at you. I drive like an old lady since I have a kid. So pretty much everyone to me is a FnF kid. :lol

well no one knows me so the assume i am but im probably never going to be driving now that i have my bike.

i think you’re a cop
