*Lot Protocol* Protocolo de terreno ¡Ahora en español!

Ok, sure Benny’s parking garage may be a good spot. But I really can’t see too many people going there.

yeah, I dont really either. Im sure none of the older guys will bother going there.

Not sure whats wrong with PnR…really, I’m not trying to get everyone to do my idea, as most people do, but it really seems like a/the logical choice.

No, I’m not saying anything is wrong with PnR. I’m just saying Benny’s garage seems to be a good spot, but I can’t see it being a popular spot for most. PnR or anywhere off Exit 9, I think, would be great. I’m more than willing to drive.

Cool. As I’ve stated many times, you guys know the area better than me, but it seems logical to have it ‘right’ off of the Northway.

wow ,were goin threw the change the lot shit once again lolololololol. adam great post ,im more than willing to handle situations as they arise .the only prob with ex9 and there abouts is the po-9 coverage ,ya have 3 sheriff stations and 2 troopper stations in a small area ,trust me id love it if it were that close butttttttt it wont cause CAR GUYS DONT LIKE TO DRIVE THERE CARS .that bein said lets have fun this yr

oh and i have a garage 5 min off ex10 right after the mack mile so if things happen we have a place to go off the beaten path

I have a sheriff connection up that way. Unfortunately he works 4-12 so it might be a little early.

i know most also buttttt, its just that favours can only go so far

yeah, just dont be stupid and it wont be an issue.

Some things will simply never change.

nice post adam, last yr the fuller road firehouse worked pretty well since its only a few minutes down the road, usuallly go to mcd’s till cpd showed up then go to the firehouse, its close to the spot and its close to everyone

I didnt say we had to motherfucker. Ive been coming to colonie for 8yrs with no complains.

And this thread is supose to be about keeping the current lot “clean”, so can we TRY to stay on topic instead of talking about moving it every week… Not like its gonna happen anyways.

i say we hang out in valatie!!! only minutes from I90!!!


old FUCK

Adam ,great post.I stopped going cause people thought my truck bed was a garbage disposal and park bench.Exit 8 p/n/r is right down the road from the house im purchasing but even if you get a few cars in there to make plans always seems the popo ride thru,sometimes kicking us out or just scoping out.The lot is always fun too,but i am also hoping we can all enforce the rules.

I really don’t have the time or patience for bullshit this year, and I’m sure the lot regulars don’t, either. I actually enjoyed coming out last night, but too bad a few certain FUCKHEADS had to ruin it for the rest of us

If enough people come out of the woodwork and act “normal” instead of staying home whining how much it sucks the place will slowly start to turn around(not directing that at anyone in particular). This has been the prob for years, and people want things to change without doing anything about it. Idk, I guess I just get frustrated year after year with the same old shit.

I’m voting for Adam to be the lot president, Jellies the vice, and Kramer the fluffer.