Lot this Fri/Sat MARCH 27/28TH

still cold

Ill be dressed for the occasion! Cold dont bother me. If youre not used to it by now, ya need to get outta NY!

I remember going one night with Murrdog, LKS, Mike from Synapse, and a couple others and it was lightly raining and we just sat and hung out in McD’s. lol
If I really have nothing going on I’ll probably stop by, or atleast cruise by to see if any of you fuckers are there.

Cold doesnt bother me much either. Ive taken my dog for a walk when it was 0* out.

I used to do roofs in this shit, so it aint that bad lol

I cant fucking stand the cold but above 20s I can deal with especially if there’s no wind.

I hope that forecast Paul posted is right, I can deal with 45 as long as it’s not rainy or windy as hell.

Then again, Saturday better be a nice day, I have a lot of drinking/parade to do.

ehh I dont think the Z will be quite road worthy yet…

but none the less I may stop down for a few…

dont worry adam we can cuddle for warmth

what day we talkin here? I might swing down with the truck

Ill be putting a motor in

Might have the Supra out Saturday during the day if its nice, got the parade in Albany as well. Not driving it down there though.

Dont be a wuss come on down, me and adam will both cuddle you :hug

^ I’m sure you will…

We are doing the parade too, you should come meet up and get a drink or something.

fuck that come cuddle with us all

Parade is at 2pm, lot is around 8pm.
I have to hit up 'toga on Saturday night as well.
We’ll see what happens. It’s going to be a long day of intoxication.

what is this parade you speak of?

The St. Patrick’s day parade in Albany.

LOL, you’ve never ‘hit up’ any nightlife, ever.

More recently I have been forced to actually be social and go to bars and even drink alcohol there. It’s insane.