Lot this Fri/Sat MARCH 27/28TH


That sounds like a good time. I will bring a lawn chair and bbq with ya.

Or move.

I would stop trying being hell bent on getting everyone to move. If people wanna go elsewhere, they will, if people wanna stay, they will too…

Yeah, people are going to continue to go to McDonald’s because it’s the known spot and has been the place to go for years. People should stop crying. There’s a good alternative to go when/if everyone does get booted and it’s the what used to be Circuit City parking lot.

Shit, there is a Wendys lot 100’ away if need be, as well as a HUGE K-Mart lot across the street

i was actually thinking about that the other day lol its pretty big over there and the place is fucking closed… with minimal cops from what ive seen.


Lets do it. Seriously. If the weather is nice next weekend I am down.

Let’s do it

lets do it.

no srsly i dont really care where we meet i’d just like to meet SOMEWHERE, and not with like 3-4 people either.

Tell everyone to stop being gay and hanging out at the trashy McD’s lot and come to P n R. I’ll be grillin too, burgers and dogs at a much better price than McDonalds haha. Plus theyre probably better for you anyway.

I like your moms burger

She likes my dog

I’ll go to the P&R

ya know that actually sounds good

Not everyone has to go to the same place for sure. I’ll be in the PnR crew when I visit.

no shit i missed it. shit how many cars did he get him by ?

it was nice to see every one . what was the deal with the camaro that sounded like shit i think it was primer blue or something

fondas runs good ,i realized what i did in the tune today i changed the 1-2 ,2-3 shifts but left the 3-4 shift alone and the comp noticed the ovrspeed and corrected me ,needless to say i fixed that to

Seriously. Why are you trying to get us to move so hard when you dont even come down this way? You made it to the lot once last year. We go every week.