Lot this Fri/Sat MARCH 27/28TH

ehh i got those tickets and i said fuck it, this things just a big money pit, i need to spend more money just to get it inspected and i just cant justify spending the money, so i said fuck it and sold it to some guy in amsterdam, old guy, it was a pretty quick sale

niceee…but when its in your blood its in your blood. You will want one again soon enough.

dude, its in the driveway right now, im about to throw a flowpac and an underdrive pulley on it in about 10 minutes

Cameo didnt sell shit. Ha ha and those tickets were quite the drawn out nonsense

Haha, owned him.

I hate you.

I have my injectors here ready to install, I just need damn John daniels to come over with HP Tuners and upload my new tune…I cant get ahold of him tho.

Keep trying. You got some runs to do tonight

such as?

what are your other injectors? 28.8s?

my stock ones in my car right now that are maxed are 28.8’s…I have 41’s going in.

what are you doing with your stock ones?

selling them to you…

no seriously, do you want them? seem’s like your interested lol

they only have 55k on them.

how much?

20 bucks


yeah i can do that, i spent all my money though on other parts, might be a couple of weeks, just hang on to them for me

Cameo I may have some laying around still. I will have to look and see

will do.


going to install parts now, hope all goes well