Super Size Me

Guys, keep in mind that while most of us have half a brain and responded to the movie with “yeah, no shit sherlock” we’re mostly intelligent and educated young people on this board. The majority of people are dumb, can’t see the all the uncontrolled variables in his “experiment” and responded with “wooooooooooowwwwww.” That’s what needed to be done though. The people who were impressed by the movie are the same people who didn’t really get that fast food in large amounts is bad.

IMO humans (not just Americans) in general, have no common sense. What this guy did was not a controlled experiment in any way. Nor did he “prove” anything. I doubt that he ever thought he was, but he had to masquerade it as such in order to gain some validity with the general dumbass public.

What he did was make it painfully clear to the masses who wouldn’t normally “get it” that eating a lot of fast food and not exercising is really really really bad for you.