Super Size Me

I’m not intimidated by big words, dude. I just know that this shit isn’t good for me… and I avoid it.

so you’re wanting this to be a totally controlled lab experiment then, eh?
but that’s not life, is it… and he only changed his walking because he wanted to walk as much as the average american does. he was walking too much because he was a new yorker, so he needed to make his exercise more like the typical american’s.

I bet if he didn’t alter his lifestyle, the effects would’ve shown to be almost as bad, or worse … because he’d be trying to do what he normally does with massive amounts of sugars, fats and other bad shit in his body.

How many Americans eat McDonald’s 3 times a day?

The movie already lacks mundane realism.

Movie, Realism. :lol:

Are you guys having a hard time coming up with a response to this, or are you just choosing to ignore what I said?

So what do you think people eat every day when they are at work? Do you honestly think everyone brings their lunch? If so, slaps need to be handed out for ignorance. When I worked for American Pharmaceutical Partners, EVERYBODY ordered out EVERY day. Actually, we would order mcdonalds breakfast in the morning and then either John’s, Say Cheese, or Brick Oven for lunch.

So tell me, what other (healthy) options do the restuarants in this country give us?

Edit- and as far as “who eats that shit 3 times a day?”, read fuzzyfishes post. One thing I will give you, is that most americans don’t eat that type of shit 3 times a day. Most americans don’t even eat 3 MEALS a day. Probably more like 2. And chances are, 1 of those meals was fast food.

Guys, keep in mind that while most of us have half a brain and responded to the movie with “yeah, no shit sherlock” we’re mostly intelligent and educated young people on this board. The majority of people are dumb, can’t see the all the uncontrolled variables in his “experiment” and responded with “wooooooooooowwwwww.” That’s what needed to be done though. The people who were impressed by the movie are the same people who didn’t really get that fast food in large amounts is bad.

IMO humans (not just Americans) in general, have no common sense. What this guy did was not a controlled experiment in any way. Nor did he “prove” anything. I doubt that he ever thought he was, but he had to masquerade it as such in order to gain some validity with the general dumbass public.

What he did was make it painfully clear to the masses who wouldn’t normally “get it” that eating a lot of fast food and not exercising is really really really bad for you.

Ding ding ding.

So you know exactly how trans fat, saturated fat, calories, sodium, sugars, etc. will affect your body? Can you even tell me what a calorie is without looking it up? I highly doubt it. So that means it is NOT common knowledge to know these things. Yeah, most people can see the fucking grease dripping off of a sandwich and realize it’s not the best thing to be eating. But knowing exactly what it is doing to your body is a little more involved than just seeing that.

Even the doctors, before he started the diet, didn’t think it would be so life threatening. They were BLOWN away. So are you saying that physicians aren’t intelligent because they were so suprised?

Wtf is it with engineers thinking they are the smartest shits out there? :roll:

Whatever dude. I’m not the smartest shit out there nor do I claim to be. I’m just saying that it seems obvious to me that eating nothing but fast food for a month and not exercising would fuck you up pretty bad. I mean, my grandma could have told you that. She always told me that. “Don’t eat so much junk food. Go play outside.” Words of wisdom…

More detailed things like learning that frying starch-based foods creates acrylamides (cancer causing chemical) is not common sense.

And your right. I have no idea what a kal-O-ree is. Must be some sort of preservative or something…

Question :

Why do you eat so much mighty taco then?

Oh come on, don’t even act like that. ALL the time you were like “omg chris, why are you so skinny, how can you be so skinny, wtf why are you so skinny?”. Meanwhile, we are sitting at mcdonalds and you are pounding 2 20 piece mcnuggets, large fries and a large coke, :lol:

As far as eating mighty taco, I stopped eating that shit a LONG time ago. And even before I stopped eating it completely, I would only have it like once every couple of months.

Uh - It’s not like I ate micky D’s all day every day - I ate that shit like that on occasion, but I’d say back then FAR LESS than you ate your mighty taco, and you can’t even lie about it because every time i wanted to go eat, you almost always said you “just got mighty” or “want to eat mighty”…

hence why I asked “why are you so skinny”

Do you know what spyware, malware, tracking cookies, backoffice, trojans, keyloggers and everything do to your computer? lol

Common sense would lead you to believe that they are bad. Especially in excess amounts.

Kinda like how people kinda “know” that too much of a lot of that stuff you listed is bad.

I think you are taking this stuff waaaayyyy to seriously.

I didn’t read like half the 2nd page, and half the 1st page lol, so if that was a very “heated” arguement or something I didn’t read it, but I agree with the jist of what Bikerfry posted…


What does spyware, malware, tracking cookies, backoffic, trojans and keyloggers have to do with what people put inside their bodies every day?

Most irrelevant statement ever.

and yeah youre right, im taking this too seriously.

Childhood Illnesses and Conditions
: Overweight Children and Adolescents
-Screening and Prevention is The Best Approach

The rate of overweight and obese children and adolescents has doubled over the last 2 decades. Medical complications of obesity usually seen only in adults have now begun to appear in children and adolescents. Diabetes and cholesterol problems have reached almost epidemic proportions among children in North America. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests the term obesity not be used, but rather they refer to children with excessive weight as overweight.

According to recent studies, 15.3% of 6-11 year olds and 15.5% of 12-19 year olds are considered to be overweight. Alarmingly, the rate is higher among poorer children and within certain minority groups. Similar rising trends have been observed in children younger than 5 years of age.

Because the rate of childhood obesity is increasing at an alarming rate, experts fear that this will cause a tremendous load of illness in the future of our children. This is why preventing, identifying and treating childhood and adolescent obesity is quickly becoming an emergency medical and societal priority in North America.

Children in lower socioeconomic areas tend to have less access to fruits and vegetables and have a higher total intake of fat. Even the absence of “family mealtime” has been associated with lower fruit and vegetable consumption as well as with a higher consumption of fried foods and soft drinks. Reflecting life in the 21st century, the current lifestyle is quick paced. This imposes increasing demands and pressures on families(including single parent families). As a result, our society is rushed and fast food has become a very important and convenient source of food for families on the go. It is well known that for the most part, “fast food” is FAT food.


The more I read that the more I kinda wondering what the hell is going on through your head…

I never asked “how I can be skinny like you” - I was, and still am, very aware of the food I eat and whether or not it was bad for me or not. I chose not to care as much before as I do now.

I was just intrigued by how you ate not very well a lot - and managed to keep in excellent shape.

Because I did eat very well at the same time. You just saw me when I was out and I admit, I ate a lot of shitty food when I went out. I always felt like garbage and my liver hurt like hell pretty much all the time. Since I stopped eating fast food as frequently as I did, my liver and gall bladder pains have decreased a HUGE amount.

a calorie is how much energy it takes to heat one gram of water 1 degree C…and no I didn’t look it up…im just stuper smrt like that

I never had an liver or gall bladder pains lol, wtf did you eat at home, mercury?

Ok lame question, but how bad is mighty taco for you? I know it is not good, but is it like, better than mcdonalds at all? At least the majority of tacos is lettuce and tomattoes, though i’m sure it doesnt make a HUGE differance.

So its your own fault if you eat it every day. Brign a bagged lunch then.

And answer my question. Eating too much seafood can lead to heavy metal poisoning, so should people stop eating seafood? Should every seafood restaurant have to put up a big sign saying “eating too much seafood can cause heavy metal poisoning”?

Seriously, you are one of those people that tries passing the blame for everything onto someone/something else.

Everyone knows cigerettes are bad for you and can kill you, but how many people know exactly what is in them and how every chemical actually effects the human body.

If you know something is bad for you and you continue to do it, its your own fault and no one elses. People need to stop trying to blame the fast food industry for them being fat and take responsability for thier own actions.

And fast food chains are just like every other buisness. They tailor themselves to what people want. People want greasey fatty food, so they give it to them. Recently people started worrying about eating healthy and demanding healthy foods and what do the fast food chains start doing? Offering all kinds of salads, fruits, etc.


Do you know exactly what parts of street racing are bad and how exactly they affect you?