Super Size Me

I know this documentary is a couple years old, but I finally saw it tonight. I’d recommend that everybody watches it, especially seeing how half of this forum is full of chubbs.

As far as people suing mcdonalds for becoming obese, that’s pretty dumb. But, Morgan (main character/creator) went to every mcdonalds in NYC and asked for a nutritional value chart. Only half of them had ONLY 1…and it was hanging up on a wall, lol. The rest of them either didn’t have any or they couldn’t find any. So how is the general public supposed to know just HOW bad the food they are eating is for them, when these places are making it inconvenient to find out their ingredients?

The ingredients in fast food are pretty fucking disguisting and I don’t see how people can NOT get grossed out when half of the spicy chicken is filled with chewy tendons and grissle. Same thing goes with taco bell, burger king, kfc and every other fast food place just like them.

So anybody who hasn’t seen this movie, please watch it and stop being so fucking fat.

:word: I saw this a while back. Couldnt beleive how much the guy changed in such a short time. So you still wanna get some mighty for breakfast today?

This should be in the entertainment forum
Anyway, I saw it about a year ago. It was good. Didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know, but it was interesting to the effects on the guy after just a month.

Hrmm…Im skinny a hell and eat that crap pretty much 5 days a week (work leaves little other choices)

And those chewy tendons and grissle yum! keep it coming

though I am rueing the day when my metabolism just turns off, then change will come

ive seen it and still eat mcdonalds… probabaly once a week IF that, but no matter what i eat i dont gain weight for shit so its gay. still young and a super high metabolism > me

i recommend everyone watches it too. it is scary how sick he gets. you know that gross feeling you get after eating a bigmac value meal, imagine how you would feel after eating nothing but that shit for weeks.:eek:

You may be thin, but I am sure you have some internally building health issues from eating that shit every day. You can be thin and still suffer from artery strictures.

i have not ate bk or mcD’s in almost 3 years…have no reason to either

actually just recently had an EKG as part of a physical for a police exam…they were shocked to find out that I didn’t work out consistently or have a good diet lol

Just saying, you are setting yourself up for a train wreck in the future. Slim people can have high cholesterol and unhealthy blood transport systems.

And saying your forced to eat that because of time constraints or other excuses is just being irresponsible and pushing the blame elsewhere but yourself. There are healthy options out there that don’t take much time.

Just get off that train before it wrecks.

People that haven’t seen it say, “Oh yeah that is the guy that got fat from eating at McDonalds”.
There is a lot more to it than that.
He avoided any kind of physical activity and always supersized.

To me the movie was completely pointless the way it was done.
Why didn’t he just sit on the couch and eat deep fryer fat for one month?
It was obviously just an effort to make McDonalds look bad.
It was not even close to scientific.

I am not defending McDonalds but the movie was very, very weak.

I rarely ate this stuff to begin with but when I saw that movie I stopped completely… haven’t touched any burger joints since.

oh yeah, it was pretty hack - esp the way he’d just pretty much order EVERYTHING. not any good stuff, just the pure shit stuff they have.


after this flick came out, i think it helped put a lot of heat on various fast food co’s, and more public awareness and concern for fast food’s nutrition values led to improved food… i mean it was like night and day when the shit came out.

that’s what i got out of this movie, just helped raise awareness if nothing else :tup:

How about watching the counterpoint to that movie, can’t remember the name, where someone ate only McDonalds, and lost weight.

The problem is the people, not the corporation.

:word: I eat at McDonalds almost every day of the week when I am out of town and atleast 4 or 5 times a week when I am home. I don’t care what it is made out of, I like the way it tastes over most food anyway. I have eaten MickyD’s for a month straight before and it did not change my health, So I would not belive everything you see on TV. Plus the $1 menu is cheaper than anything you can make youself, when you are out of town.

its such a fucking simple equation, but the fat fucks can’t figure it out. Calories In - Calories Burned = Calories Suck to your ASS. So if you eat only 2,000 calories, but sit at work, and drive home, to sit on the coutch while the lawn boy does your yardwork, you will still get fat. You need to move, plain and simple.

I don’t see how anyone could watch this and be blown away at the fact that if you eat this kind of shit, you’ll end up a sweaty fat fuck. Seems like common sense to me.

But I’ve seen it before. I guess it just emphasizes HOW unhealthy it really is.

Always supersized? He ONLY supersized when they asked him and it ended up being 9 times. 5 of those times were in Houston, which was the #1 fattest city in america at the time. Probably no coincedence there :roll:.

What about when he called 100 nutritionists and asked them how often one should eat fast food? Only 2 of them said you should eat it, but only once a week. The rest either said NEVER EVER EVER eat it, or limit it to once a month or even less than that.

How can you possibly say that it wasn’t even close to scientific? What about all of the test results and the doctors comments? When he was like 21 days into the diet, one of the physicians said that if the situation was alcohol instead of fast food, he would tell him that he will die very soon if he didn’t stop. And seriously, you ARE defending mcdonalds and any fast food chain by saying the movie was weak. I mean, how much more evidence do you need?


Like I said in the original post, mcdonalds basically hides their nutrition facts. Yes, it is common knowledge that fast food is not super great for you, just look at the grease coming from a mcgriddle. But you still don’t know exactly HOW bad it is. Plus how many americans do you think know what ANYTHING means on a nutritional values chart?

He went on the street and asked a shitload of people what a calorie is. Remember how many people knew what it is? 0. I bet you .5% of the people on here knows what it is without doing a wiki or a quick google search.

It’s not about gaining or losing weight. Fat weighs less than muscle. So you eat nothing but fatty foods for a month which make you feel lethargic, you will become less active and you lose muscle mass and gain fat. So yeah, technically you are losing weight. I like your logic, smarty pants.