This Just In, KFC Bad For You!!!

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (AP) – A doctor and a consumer group have sued KFC in an effort to stop the chicken chain from cooking with high-fat partially hydrogenated oil.

Just once I’d like to see a judge slap the people who bring these BS lawsuits with enough penalties that they’d be working the rest of their lives and still die in debt.

Yeah I don’t think they should be suing KFC to change the oil. I think just bringing it to light in the media should be enough. But if you are stupid enough to keep eating KFC despite it’s horid taste and greasiness, then you deserve whatever you get.

KFC bowls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

^ I don’t know what that is but I will just respond with “Ick!!”

its chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cheese all in a nice little bowl.

sooo good.

Your the second person i have heard say that, and might i add you are the second bravest person i have ever met.

forgot the corn, that makes it healthy. kfc is awesome once in a while

My girlfriend heard a girl she went to highschool with died last week after eating KFC. I’m not lying. Everyone in the group she went with got very ill, and she got really sick and just didn’t wake up…

:bsflag: without a link to a news site. That would be HUGE news if it really happened.

people choose to eat that chicken, but maybe they wouldn’t if they knew they were killing themselves. these types of lawsuits are not frivolous… they actually serve a purpose: to inform people, and maybe prevent them from the consuming partially hydrogenated oil.

ouch, I poured hot coffee on my lap because I’m an idiot and I’m going to sue you IS bs. KFC could be using better oils for frying their abused chicken and they’re just NOT. maybe this lawsuit makes them change their oil. a lot of people don’t even know what trans fat is.

here’s a link if you want to know what it is and how dangerous it is for you:


lol abused chicken, thats great.

Just going on what I heard. Apparantley a friend saw the obituary and let her know about it…
I’ll see if I can’t get more details…

i’m almost with you, jan…

oh it’s frivolous. who knew deep-fried chicken was a bad thing :lol:

i mean, to me - not knowing that trans fats are a bad thing, in 2006, and that most fast-food places use them - seems like basic knowledge. but at least it can serve as an example

to kevin

… j/p :slight_smile:

EDIT: abused chicken? who cares? beat the hell out of them for all i care

who the fuck cares about abused chickens, PETA is a bunch of whiney fucks anyways, and so are the celebs who support it. I dont care how they kill theyre chickens, as long as its dead when it comes to my plate!!!

:bsflag: You don’t have a girlfriend!


Oh c’mon, how about a little common sense? Suing a fast food company for feeding you unhealthy food? Maybe not everybody understands the details, but any idiot can tell you that eating a lot of greasy chicken is not good for you. Can’t anybody take responsibility for their own health and well being anymore?

Why stop there? Is it OK to sue McDonalds for making you fat? Or suing Hershey for rotting your teeth? How about suing Subaru for making a fast car that got you a speeding ticket or an accident and injury? People need to be responsible for themselves, and stop suing to try and profit from their own bad decisions. :tdown:

EDIT: From the Thomson-Gale Legal Dictionary: A frivolous suit is one without any legal merit. In some cases, such an action might be brought in bad faith for the purpose of harrassing the defendant.

So yes, a lawsuit filed for motives ulterior to obtaining what someone rightfully deserves, such as informing people via the surrounding media attention is, in fact, frivolous.


I had a candy bar the other day and the wrapper said something along the lines of “This is a treat. Enjoy in moderation.” I was surprised that they would have to tell people that.

lol :tup: to them for taking care of it BEFORE they get hit with a lawsuit

I love KFC, so good.