This Just In, KFC Bad For You!!!

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i just had kfc and i was so sad to think of what they did to the chicken that i stuffed down my throat.

fucking lame.

Why am I not shocked that the girl who drove into a curb and blamed the curb is saying this lawsuit is a good thing.

Mmm… Personally I’m quite fond of a heart attack on a bone. Granted there are better oils, but that would ruin the best part. The unhealthy taste that makes it so good. :tup:

lol blamed the curb?, i must of missed that one.

Tis’ a good read. :tup:

^:lol: Wow, that was great. The subject’s long dead and gone so I won’t comment on it, but the whole time I was reading it my Grandma’s advice kept coming to mind:

It’s better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you’re a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

I do believe you’ve missed the entire point of the case. The use of these oils is not necessary and creates a threat to consumer health. This suit is asking that either a) KFC use non-hydrogenated oils or b) consumers are warned AT the place of purchase of its health risks. Much like the warning label on cigarettes.

I don’t see how suing a company for putting its consumers health at risk without cause is a “BS lawsuit”

You’re pissed because people may end up getting money for suing over an “obvious” issue. Aside from the lawsuit why are you not angry with KFC for knowingly using a product that damages the health of its users? Especially when that product can be easily replaced with a much healthier substitution.

Perhaps you don’t believe that companies should actively try to not kill their customers.

omg. those things are so fucking good.

it’s not like eating there once a month is gonna cause serious heath risks… neither is mcdonnalds… eat there every single day and you have issues. Same can be said with just about anything… you eat the same thing day in and day out of course your gonna end up with heath problems.

besides, it wouldnt taste as good I’m sure

How is it that the court is this countrys crutch for lack of common sense? seriously… I wonder how many times the person persuing this case got dropped on their head as a child (no offense to anyone here who agrees with the case… just my 0.02)

They’re unnecessarily using a health damaging product while making their food. Shit you could sprinkle a little bleech on food once a month and most likely not die from it…but would it be cool with you if KFC or BK did that?

What if GM made brakes that didn’t work the 2,000th time you put the pedal to the floor? As long as you don’t stop hard everyday the brakes will work as long as you own the car. But if you do, you’re going to hit a wall eventually.

:shrug: again… some can be said for anything. I’d like to know one heath benefit from consuming soft drinks… more specifically pops (they sell that too). yet people drink it because it tastes good… should they go after them next?

Then I wouldn’t eat their because I am responsible for what I eat. It’s not like they’re maliciously poisoning their food and trying to hide it.

What you would or wouldn’t do in the situation is besides the point. SHOULD THEY BE LEGALLY ALLOWED TO DO IT?

Something doesn’t have to be bennificial…And drinking a can of pepsi everyday for 50 years isn’t going to kill you.

I think Janny just owned herself! FuzzyFish with the assist!

Anyway, anybody that sues any restaurant because they are unhealthy (meaning clean but you end up fat if you eat so much of it) are stupid. It doesn’t matter if it’s fast food or not.

On the other hand, if they are claiming that it’s a healthy alternative, or follows the Jenny Craig diet and you still get fat from it even by following the portion limits or whatever, then there’s a false advertising lawsuit.

but for just being fatty food? Come on!

No one is suing KFC b/c they are fat from eating it. If you can’t understand the reasoning behind this claim, please leave the thread until you can actually grasp the concept.

But I like KFC. Would definatly change the taste of it. Just don’t eat the shit everyday. BS lawsuits = no excuse for the fact you don’t know how to take care of yourself. :o

EDIT: In this case though it might not be so bad, seeing as money runs the world you have to hit them where it hurts. But the thing is are they aiming just for the oil. Or money and oil?

A doctor and a consumer group have sued KFC in an effort to stop the chicken chain from cooking with high-fat partially hydrogenated oil.

that’s what this thing implies. :gotme:

are you the thread police or something? It’s not even your thread.

Anyway, she’s suing to use a different oil (which would more than likely be less fatty) and to get nutrition info posted at the restaurant (which they already do)

the lawsuit is BS,.

They’re bringing action against KFC to stop unnecessarily using damaging oils while preparing their food. The doctor is not suing because they ate at KFC everyday and now clocks in at 480 lbs.