lot tonight ?

O rly?

O rly rly?

Yeah, we might have a “new” spot were tryin out. The Colonial Car Wash by Union. Big parkin lot, and runs on 890! Might be worth a try for week days to keep the heat off of the lot

maybe I will swing by.

eh idk about this place by Union St.
Fuck Schenectady.

what him said

Schdy aint bad…no worse than albany. You pussies

no thanks have fun

Ok, enjoy fapping :retardclap

I didnt say it was for sure, I simply said it would be a good place to meet up for a little bit, and go do a couple runs on 890. B/C 1/2 you guys bitch and whine about the ext. Here is your way away from the ext…

or we can run on 90 or alt 7 had plenty of fun there. Not really in the mood for racing tonight tho, im gonna wait till test n tune. maybe because im going to be paying like 500 for recent tickets, non of which were racing related btw. I dont think ill add to my tab

I hear ya. Im hoping to run Sat with any luck…

i think ill get drunk instead, fuck exams and FUCK LIA HONDA for not paying me a fucking dime for my 4 hours today.


Flat rate bitch

my car may not be out this weekend


im quiting this week im sick of being there 40 hrs a week and only getting paid for 30 and dealing with the asshole GM

thats why im out of the dealership world


i dont think my conv will be hear in time and its comin apart this weekend for a refresh

it wouldnt be bad if there was enough work but half the time i there im sitting there scratching my ass cause there is no work. I made 30 hours last week, 16 of which made in one day, there rest of the time i make like 2 hours or 4 hours.