lot tonight?

apparently the new lot is g14 classified cuz i never got an answer as to where it was. i stopped by kohls earlier in the evening so i could finally meet some of you guys but i guess nobody got there til late. is anything going on tonight? would love to stop by. if someone doesnt mind shooting me a text, that would be cool. my number is 810-6693.

Im down what time and meet where?

I think I, and a few others are gonna start out at the scotia spot, then prolly cruise down to MCD’s

i’ll try and bring my video camera incase anything goes down.

my phone works. call it sometime. damn.

Im making dinner lol. Nothing special goin on right now haha. Ill shoot ya a text when we’re gonna roll out

thats what im saying son. i will be in the beater(the real beater)

do you guys wanna meet at the wash, the cobras dirty from the ride home the other night.

so where you all meeting and adam respond to my pm dood

no lot unless maybe later, im gonna go to see public enemies tonight

I might head out to McDonald’s if nothing better comes up. Hoping for something better to come up though.

okay eeyore


gonna zing up to kohls, ppl there?

da fuck…so i show up for the first time to kohls last nite and im not even out of my car for a few seconds and some dude says you probably wont be able to stay too long the cops are making everyone leave. what a bunch of shit. so is there a back-up hangout spot if this happens again?

I think I saw you drive through the Colonial Carwash on Western last night at like 11pm

oh no shit…white honda? i was gonna stop and say hi but i wasnt sure if you were shift. whats up dude?

Yeah, it was me and my buddy Pete(tdi_logik on here) in his blue Golf TDI.

cool. nice rides. next time i see you guys i will definitely say hello.

so did everyone call it a night after the cops cleared kohls out or did they head to another spot?

I stayed there… I bought food from the drive thru and was sitting in my car eating it, so fuck that if they think I am going to leave.