yea where is everyone going?

brett i got runs for you

I’ll just be cruising around…if I see a group of people I know, I’ll stop.

Alberto, you sure you called the right number? I didn’t receive a call.

pm me


Joey let me know where you fucks are meeting up

Will do brah

I might go out. Im about as red as a lobster from being out in the sun all day though.



wont be out tonight now…got to make that money!

!!! :rofl

good night last night.

That cop hauled ass into Circuit City when he kicked us out.

he was driving like a moron, like he was pulling up to a robbery or a shooting. totally unnecessary, when were all just standing there peaceful.

Any videos?

Yeah, very true. I guess he had something to prove.
I dont even understand why we got kicked out of there or McDonald’s. Nobody caused any trouble at either place last night.

I dont think any one taped any thing

Nah, but let me tell you…Their new white hatch MOVES.

seriously, i got there kinda late, but it seemed very tame and relaxed last night, guess they were just bored. at least the colonie cop wasn’t a dick like some of them have been.