LOTR: Online -Whos Playing-

Knock yourself out. Go find that post you swear exists. Or just shutup. :shrug:
either way is fine with me. If you don’t give a fuck, why not just get back to LOTR? At least then you wouldn’t be making yourself look like a fool. :gotme:

Links to site?


Links to site?


rx3 hahahahahahhahahaha heres your link:



I setup a server tonight. Problem is, I need minimum of 2 people to test it out (when I try to do it by myself, I can get in, drive to pitout, but then the car stops and won’t allow me on the track. The computer isn’t locked however, all the sounds are normal and I can go 3rd person and camera pan/zoom, etc.)

Soo… who wants to help test?



Well folks, it’s official:


:tspry: :tspry: :bump: :wiggle:

Soooo… who’s in? :wave:

Oh yeah, Bret, figured out how to get the Motec Data Acquisition to work :smiley:


like myself you posted a before, then and after on who was going to play:roll2:

You are an idiot. That is all in THE SAME THREAD (post #10 & 11).

Unlike you, who made a separate thread.

Which was my whole point. No need for multiple threads for the SAME THING.

It’s clear now that you are just too dense to comprehend. :ham:

There is that saying, how does it go? Better to let someone think you are stupid, than to open your mouth and prove them right?

I am actually waiting for Age of Conan to come out. That looks like it’s going to be a sweet MMO.

I already made it to lvl 15, dwarven champion…grrr

Nice Jkuz i am a 15 dwarven champion 2 bizall is my name on there. let me know when you play!

just started playing it again today, i havent played for about 7 months, wow is there a lot of changes. anyone else playing?