Lotus Climate Control Modification I came up with...

I might try and sell this before the Chinese steal it…

Anyway, check it out:

This is what the dash in the lotus looks like at night:

This is what the climate control looks like during the day (under the radio)

And at night:


The cluster was changed in 07… It used to kind of match the cluster pre 07. Anyway, I wanted it to match MY cluster… I fabbed up a new faceplate out of 3 layers of transparencies, added some matte white backing, bought a new EL panel like this:


AFTER DAY (really needed to clean off finger prints before pic)

AFTER NIGHT: (idk why the lotus logo looks weird like that. looked good IRL)


I just like stuff to match. lol

No it looks way better. So the older ones were black and new ones are silver? You made it black and put a glow piece behind it?

I’d like it much more if you didn’t add the lotus badging.

You clustered it the fuck up.

A for effort :tup:

no the old DASH was kinda yellowish at night:


i might strip off the lotus symbol but i like the exige S240 part.

i like… :slight_smile:

Don’t get me wrong it looks much better, and the quality of the DIY is top notch… but it seems so cluttered.

I’m too lazy to PS it right now.

def an upgrade, how much would this cost not that im buying and exige anytime soon

If i were to sell it, probably about 100 dollars…

Needs Faceplate, transformer, el panel, and cnc aluminum backing plate to be plug and play/reversible. No aluminum plate if you want to destroy your old one.

whats your net profit for 100 bux each

lol. not saying, but it’s a decent margin. Takes a lot of work though…

i can only imagine. Take a couple caffeine pills and pump out 50 of em over a one night period = couple grand, sounds nice

edit: is there some sort of consequences if some lotus rep came across this and they see it as a profitable product? Im assuming there’s licensing when you design aftermarket parts for legal reasons

edit 2: not that i care, if the shit looks nice ill use it if its safe or not

that looks great, much better :tup:

Looks cool man. The car is very nice.

Cool beans :tup:

What process did you use to fab the new plates?

Looks great. I would agree it seems a little busy tho with the multiple logos. Otherwise :tup: :tup:


This is the type of mod a vw owner would do :wink: looks good