Lotus Exige S

I knew they’d eventually bring it, it was only a matter of time.



What’s the difference between this S version and the Exige? For example, this one that was at Xerox a couple of weeks ago…


Is reading not your strong suit or what? :cjerk:

Actually, the reports circling around the net are that the Exige S will be out in the US market either later this year or early next year.

thats some hot shit right there

Thats very cool. 4.1 0-60 is sweet. Couple of mods and some extra boost will have that car flying.

Exige > Elise




Ahh, I thought that the new Exige were all supercharged. I guess not. I also thought that that roof scoop was for the top-mounted intercooler.

You truly are a fucking idiot. I’m not going posting all the links about it coming here. I just posted that one to show it’s being made finally in a production form.

I guess reading is not your strong suit :cjerk:.


thats been my favorite car for a long time <3

oh snap

You truly are a fucking idiot.

The term is build, not bring :cjerk: Bringing it would imply it was coming here :hay:

Go cock fight somewhere else you two. Arguing over semantics is like… wait, its just like arguing on the internet! Technically, Joe was right in what he said that Lotus is bringing the Exige S to the states, he just posted an article that didn’t state that fact.