Lotz o Newbzzz

Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of people with 30 or less posts posing it up lately.

Not that it is a problem, the traffic is good for the site and im all for more people posting… just cought my eye

Newbz check in and subscribe yo

? what a stupid thread

Is this really a big deal?

215 posts your a n00b

just bored on a sunday night man… see http://nyspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36682 for reference

Ive been lurking for a while now gents

Its OT… do any of these posts deliver unless someone ends up in tears or an ejaculatory mess anyway…?


215 posts your a n00b


gotta get that post count somehow…for the ppl that care

i actually have like 106 posts, but 98 of them are in ot

yes, there has been a large influx of OT whores.

it has been going on for about 2 years now


yes, there has been a large influx of OT whores.

it has been going on for about 2 years now



i lurk.




look, theres one now

whoohoo, reading ftw

I wrike to wrook ate piktures

i’ve been tryin to post more latly but for the most part i just read

I’m not a noob my title says so (In my proudest voice) I’m a Speeder JR!!!

Less then 500 is noobish lol.

oh god. I’ve had a recent jump, after a less recent fall.

who cares


Less then 500 is noobish lol.



anyone who signed up after june 2005 is noobish

<<<<< no0b